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4 years on StartPlaying

About me

I am a professional dungeon master in Las Vegas, Nevada and a 30+ year veteran of RPGs. I got my start with the Big Red Box, and have played in and run campaigns in D&D Basic, 2nd, 3.5, 4th, & 5th edition, Pathfinder, Gurps, Call of Cthulu, Rifts, White Wolf (Vampire tabletop and LARP), Blue Planet (both versions), Shadowrun, Star Wars (both versions), Star Trek, Rolemaster, Tales from the Floating Vagabond, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Traveller, HoL, and more. Once upon a time I was a character actor in Las Vegas, improv trained at The Second City. I started a successful in-person Dungeon Master business in Houston before Covid. I moved back to Las Vegas to stay, so I decided to open up shop again. I’m currently writing my own D&D 5th edition module while wrangling unruly players in my own games. I focus on live, in-person D&D. I run introductory games for new players, custom one shots for parties, team building events, fun Vegas weekends, and ongoing campaigns. Please note that I don't actually do online D&D. I'm only available in-person. You can find my full website and blog at

GM style

Speed and ease of play are the most important factors in making a game fun for everyone, regardless of role-playing experience. The reason my one-shot adventure clients keep coming back is that my games are easy to jump right into with novice or expert players. Most importantly, a great Dungeon Master is able to change gears quickly and adapt to any situation. I'm a professionally-trained improv actor, and can roll with whatever is thrown at me. Moreover, I've been running Dungeons & Dragons games for over 30 years, so there's few pieces of D&D lore that I can't recall (or make up on the fly).


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