Avarice in Avalon

Avarice in Avalon

Pathfinder 1e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The city has long been standing as a bastion of all that is pure, good, and just. The law here protects all from the simplest grain merchant requesting aid during a low yield to the King's court as they negotiate deals with the neighboring kingdoms for peace and trade. He did his best to ensure that the people of his city never hungered or thirsted, and his military was fiercely trained and even more fierce in their loyalty. He established shelters and funded several magical schools that aided the prosperity of his people; he was a good king, and many would even say he was a great king. That being said, the law is not perfect, and recently King Faradin Avalon had been made aware of a thieves' guild operating within his city walls. Our story will begin the morning after a mysterious group of ne'er-do-wells infiltrate the castle and assassinate the good king. You are a task force of the city of Avalon, a well trained group of specialists sent out into the city to uncover the source of this treacherous and sinister act. You answer to General Stormbrand of Avalon's Military Forces, a fiery tempered dwarven woman with big brown hair, bigger muscles, and an even bigger suit of gilded plate armor. She answers to the king-to-be, yet uncrowned and only twelve years of age, Leon Avalon; he remains guided by a council of military, intellectual, financial, and social advisors. Together, you must delve into the underbelly of the city. Find the assassin who would dare remove such a kind and noble ruler. Locate evidence of the corruption, report back with the evidence, and the armies of Avalon will descend with you to smite the wicked.

Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

51 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

We will be using discord for voice communication, and a Roll20 virtual tabletop. At bare minimum neither of these require you to install anything, however having discord installed improves its functionality quite effectively. Please make sure to have a working microphone, it doesn't need to be fancy but as long as we can hear you clearly! Clear communication improves the game experience for everyone. Character creation will be done at session 0, and I cannot stress this enough. I am flattered when players are so excited to play in my games, but I would like to avoid the boredom that comes with "I finished my character ahead of time so what do I do now while everyone else is making their character?" I'm here to answer any questions you may have, and if for any reason you aren't able to finish your character by the end of session 0 that's not an issue. Just let me know when your character is finished so I can review the sheet before Session 1.

What I provide

I make most of my maps myself, write my own stories, and build my own characters. It's one of my strengths as a GM, and I'm very proud of my ability to craft epic tales for my players. Additionally, I have a collection of character artworks that is constantly expanding. Feel free to ask me, if you enjoyed a map we played on, for a copy of that map! I'm happy to share resources, I only ask that you please respect the time I spend making the maps and provide fair attribution :D Likewise any maps I use that I have not made will be attributed on my discord server.

Gameplay details

Boundaries will be established at the free session 0 and can continue to evolve as we play together. The main focus of play should be to have fun, but if for any reason something about play is causing an issue we will have a system in place to call out in chat for a pause to play. We'll come to a stop, have a brief discussion about what happened with "I statements" being encouraged to promote understanding and positivity. If needed we will shift the direction of the current scene or backtrack slightly to adjust actions. Breaks will be handled on an as-needed basis, however I ask that you not step away from your computer during a scene you're a part of if you can help it. I frequently need to stand up and stretch while playing for health reasons, and I will often make a recommendation when I do so for players to do the same. After game I try to ask players what they liked and what they thought could be better. This helps me improve and gives a set and established space to feel heard if you don't enjoy the direction the game is heading or didn't enjoy something about session. Everyone is different, and I want to learn and respect what you as a player enjoy from the game!

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will be made during the free Session 0, and characters made after the fact will ONLY be playable if they are able to be approved before the session in which they will be played. =============================== POST SESSION 0 NOTE If you are joining after Session 0, we will need to have a 30-60 minute conversation about table rules and boundaries of the table. At that point we'll review the boundaries and rules document specific to your game! After that we can begin character creation and I will give a brief rundown of the party's current location and situation. Once your character is finished, I'll give it a review. Typically that will take me around 30 minutes but may take longer depending on when I'm made aware that your sheet is finished. If your sheet is not able to be approved in time, I will free out that session for you and I encourage that you join us and listen in. It may help you decide what type of character you want to build to know what the party is needing, but more importantly it will keep you current with the party's adventures for the next session.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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