A Salvage in Sullied Waters - A Saltmarsh One-Shot | Light Mystery | Hack n' Slash

A Salvage in Sullied Waters - A Saltmarsh One-Shot | Light Mystery | Hack n' Slash

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This spooky adventure begins when Aubreck Drallion, a desperate merchant, hires your group to go and retrieve some important documents from the Emperor of the Waves, a ship that was considered missing until recently. Aubreck explains that the ship holds a magic box containing promissory notes and property deeds worth a total of 100,000 gp. He offers the characters a fee of 10 percent (10,000 gp) to recover it. As a gesture of good faith, he offers them an advance payment of 200 gp. He says that the ship was recently spotted adrift, approximately five days out from land with no crew to be seen. But that's not all, you have also heard some rumors that the reason the ship went missing was because it was carrying something incredibly valuable and magical. Some say the reason the ship went missing was because this item cursed the ship and crew, while others suspect it may have just been attacked by pirates or sea monsters. But whatever rumor you may or may not believe, it still begs the question: what happened to the crew? and why did the ship go missing in the first place? This Lvl.4 one-shot includes: šŸ” A touch of mystery āš“ Ship dungeon exploration āš”ļø A ton of combat šŸ’­ Problem solving āš” And an amazing ending that will have you on the edge of your seat! Can you successfully survive the mysteries and mayhem that the Emperor of the Waves has for you, or will you merely become apart of it's legend? WHAT I WILL DO ----------------------------------------- I will provide a small pool of premade characters that you can choose from (or if you would like to, you can also create your own), and provide a fun and engaging environment to play a D&D one-shot. I also provide access to almost all of the DnDBeyond compendiums for character creation. REQUIREMENTS ----------------------------------------- - D&D Beyond account - Discord account Besides that, you're set! The best part about FoundryVTT is that you do not need to buy or download anything! FoundryVTT runs through your browser, so it's super easy to connect and get playing.

Voice Actor

1 year on StartPlaying

70 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Teacher

Additional Details

How to prepare

Please bring / prepare the following: šŸ“¹ Webcam (optional) šŸŽ™ļø Microphone (please try to mitigate background noise.) šŸŽ² D&D Beyond account šŸ‘¾ Discord account šŸ“œ Since I run my sessions online, physical dice and character sheets are unnecessary, however if you would like to use your own dice or hold a physical character sheet, then you're more than welcome to. šŸ“ŗ If you have never used Foundry VTT before and want to learn some basics before our session, I recommend watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja88yRVQmck

What I provide

I provide visual aids/art, sound effects, animations, and music that are used during our session to create ambience and immersion. My job is to create a fun and safe space that we all enter to become immersed in a world filled with dungeons and dragons.

Gameplay details

šŸ² In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, being an adventurer is very dangerous and can lead to situations that involve struggle, combat, and even death. The game is completely controlled by the Game Master, and it is my goal as the Game Master to make sure you are having fun. If I'm running a game for minors or a group that wants a family friendly game session, my content is going to be different than if I'm running a session for adults. šŸš« Before the campaign, we will discuss triggers, uncomfortable or distressing topics, go over Foundry VTT basics, and expectations for players and me as the GM. If at any time you begin to feel uncomfortable or are confused about something game related, please let me know immediately! ā˜ ļø Combat and death can be described in two different ways depending on the groups decision: It can be described realistically (meaning blood and gore), or can be described simplistically and glossed over (ex. "The goblin falls after your powerful sword strike!"). My motto is: "Communication is key when playing D&D." If you have anything that is confusing or rules you're not sure about, please feel free to message me your question or speak up during the game session.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

Once you join the one-shot, I have a small pool of premade characters that you will get to choose from which I will be distributing by a first-come-first-serve basis. However, if you would like to create your own character, you can import or create your own. ā— If you're creating or using your own premade character: - Starting equipment is allowed. - No races that have a base flying speed. No echo knight, rune knight, or twilight clerics. Besides that, no hinderances on class, race, feats, or abilities. - You are allowed to use whatever form of ability score generation you prefer (roll for stats, standard array, etc.) - No magical items. (This does not include potions.) - Find some artwork for your character and make a token with it or send me a token you have for your character. Be sure to either have your token ready and send it to me before our session begins. The sooner the better. At the beginning of the one-shot you will acquire 200gp and be able to use that gold to purchase some items if you would like to. I would recommend taking a glance through the items list for 5e and take note of some items you'd like to acquire. You are more than welcome (and actually encouraged) to add the items you would like to purchase to your character sheet before the campaign begins so that we don't have to have a shopping session at the very beginning of the one-shot. Some good items to purchase would be potions, extra ammunition, weapons, or armor. If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Low
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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