Sinnoh in the 20s(Beginner Friendly PTA3 Campaign+Free Session0)
Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3 | Campaign
About the adventure
As the title implies, this campaign will take place in the Sinnoh region, set in the 1920s. When I say "1920s", I am mainly referring to the American "jazz age", but inspiration will be taken from other cultures during that period, and will be applied to other regions/characters as well. For those familiar, a lot of inspiration for this campaign/setting is taken from the podcast, "The Roaring Trainers". The campaign itself would start with the party beginning their journey through somewhat unconventional means for a Pokemon setting. They will take part in an induction tournament with other rookie trainers, with only a select few receiving their trainers license. After the tournament, the party will begin their journey proper, whatever that may look like for them. This could be fighting the gyms, participating in contests, visiting sites to research a certain topic, or anything the players feel like doing in the Sinnoh region. Of course, the party members are not the only ones who have goals to work towards, and various other factions are hard at work to achieve theirs. While not all of these groups are "evil", per se, they certainly do not all have the best intentions. The party may cross paths with these less-than-morally-sound groups, and are welcome to attempt to stop them, or help them further their goals. The system used for this would be Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3. While I have run games using this system in the past, I am just fine running for players with little-to-know experience with it, or those with more experience than I, everyone is welcome!
Additional details
How to prepare
To play you will need access to Discord, Roll20, and a character concept. I can provide all rulebooks as PDFs, and as stated above, character sheets can be made on really any platform, so long as they are shared with me. I would definitely recommend reading over the rules at least a bit before starting, and letting me know if you have any questions.
What I provide
I can provide all necessary books as well as links to good character sheets to use, as well as a Roll20 for the VTT. For my games, combat and roleplay are both equally important. Any planned combat encounters usually mean something, and are never there just to have you fight something. I also try to provide as many roleplay opportunities as possible, be it within the party or other NPCs. "Rule of Cool" is like a commandment for my campaigns. I always like to tell my players that their character sheets are a guideline for all of the cool stuff their character can do. This applies to your pokemon in this campaign as well. If you would like to change the effects of one of your moves to give your team a certain edge in battle, by all means give it a shot. For scenarios like that, a more difficult check might need to be made, but I will almost always allow that type of outside-the-box thinking.
Gameplay details
We can go over any limits or lines/veils in Session 0, although just due to the nature and setting of this campaign, I would not expect anything to get too intense in any direction. I tagged snakes, spiders, and insects as potential triggers just due to some pokemon descriptions potentially triggering some people with those sensitivities, but in no way will those play a large part of this one-shot.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Characters will at the very least be conceptualized during Session 0, hopefully being made during Session 0 as well. Afterwards, players may feel free to reach out for questions about character creation, but the actual creation of the character will be left to them on their own time. All characters will start as brand new trainers, and will have one partner pokemon to begin with. This pokemon can be any non-mythical or legendary first-stage pokemon.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Roll20
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Bi-weekly / Friday - 11:00 PM UTC
3-5 Hour duration
3 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+