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The Time of Troubles: a New Pantheon Rises (epic 21+ campaign)

The Time of Troubles: a New Pantheon Rises (epic 21+ campaign)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

In a Time of Troubles, a new pantheon must rise… and old gods must fall. You rule over your own domain with your level 20 party, a small town surrounded by unconquered lands and your strongholds. The past few days, you were all getting ready for the fight of your lives: a comet is about to crash onto your domain and start a new ice age. Through destroying this comet, you find an ancient artifact from some long forgotten world: an artifact that gives the ability to drain the divinity of powerful creatures and harness it for yourselves. And so begins: The Time of Troubles. A cataclysmic time period in Faerûn were the deities are cast out from the heavens and forced to walk the earth in their mortal avatar forms. The Weave itself is unraveling, divine magic doesn’t work unless you’re within one mile of your fallen god, and the entire world is about to be changed. It’s a time of movers and shakers, of plots and plans, of victories and death. It's also a time of desperation, as entire cities pledge themselves to Asmodeus or even darker powers for protection. The world becomes a battleground for the gods, and the largest power vacuum in the known universe is waiting to be filled. Will the forces of good triumph over evil? Who will rise amidst the chaos? Truly epic fights, political intrigue on the world stage, and creating a lasting impact on Faerûn history: you can expect all this and more in the campaign. Your character will ascend to godhood/divinity, be worshipped as their own domain, and have devoted followers that will grant them even more powers. This level 20-30 campaign will take your most powerful character to even greater heights, with fantastical powers to fight epic, godlike creatures. This is not a campaign for the inexperienced, as it takes complicated level 20s and adds even more options for them! We will be using the Epic Legacy ruleset for this campaign, which is provided in the character creation section.




4 years on StartPlaying

1367 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Creativity, Inclusive

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Players need a working mic and access to a computer. The game will be held over discord and roll20, so you will need an account on both. Players will need to make their level 20 character sheet ahead of time in roll20 or dndbeyond. If dndbeyond, they will need to have the chrome extension beyond20. I will be available to walk through players who need help creating their character on roll20. I strongly suggest you read over the epic legacy rules and have an idea of what you want to play before session 0. We will have a fairly long session 0, going over epic legacy content and what that entails and weaving together everyone's characters. You do not need to know the rules front to back, that's what I'm for! But please have at least an idea of your character concept. Since this campaign is about becoming a new pantheon of gods, think of these questions while coming up with your character: What is your character's relationship to the gods? How do you want to amass followers? What domain do you want to represent?

What I provide

To the campaign: First of all, I would like to say that I consider myself to be fairly experienced with epic level (21+) play, as I have three ongoing campaigns now with this system. I absolutely love the epic level shenanigans, epic fights, and rolling a massive amount of dice. My favorite tier to run regularly is tier 4, or level 20 play, and this is just an extension of that! I love extremely powerful pcs facing down world ending threats, or epic level npcs/monsters. There's so much to explore in an epic world, and I'd love for you to join me on the journey! If you play with me, you'll be playing with one of the most recommended dms on the site, as well as one of the most experienced dms for balancing high level play in 5e. I have level 20 oneshots I run regularly on SPG, as well as many ongoing level 20 campaigns. Before I became an SPG dm, I was running level 16-20 adventures for years. I use unique monsters, strategies, and my vast experience to truly deliver an amazing game. Also, this campaign takes place in the Time of Troubles, which is a historical event in the Forgotten Realms lore. The current timeline (Tomb of Annihilation) is 1493, and the Time of Troubles takes place in 1358. I will be using the main events of this event for the premise of the campaign, and then the players enter the scene and completely change it. While main cities/locations may be mentioned or visited in this campaign, do not expect it to follow the lore exactly- many places like Waterdeep/Baldur's Gate/etc established themselves after the crisis. My dming style: I work hard to provide an immersive online experience for my players. I use music and soundscapes to set the mood. I use imagery for theatre of the mind roleplay, and beautiful maps from various sources for combat and exploration. I am constantly improving my roll20 room with effects and visuals for you all to enjoy. I make sure to give everyone a chance for their character to shine, and play to their strengths and abilities. In my games you can expect challenging combat, great improvisation, and an immersive world to play in. I put player agency and involvement first, and I want to emphasize the fact that this game is a cooperative environment between myself and the players. This is a very open world campaign, determined by which direction your characters want to go in. I run my games RAW, or rules as written. If you have a rules question for me that I haven't come across before or forgotten about, I will pause the game momentarily to look it up and make sure everything is according to the spirit of the rules. I reference Sage Advice/Jeremy Crawford tweets, but have my own opinions as well (such as the interpretation of magic missile, shield master feat, and dispel magic).

Gameplay details

This game contains safety tools. There will be no homophobia, transphobia, or sexual assault in my games. Big warnings for: religious themes, direct conflicts and discussions with gods, and the deaths of gods. While in this game the players are encouraged to take the gods power for their own, there are many directions this campaign can take. The characters themselves end the campaign with rising to godhood, and have worshippers as well as possible cults.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Luxton Technique

Luxton Technique Discussion

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

We will begin by starting out with level 20 characters that will progress to level 21 after the first combat of the campaign. I suggest everyone make their character sheets on roll20, as it's easier to manually edit them and fill out your extra abilities once we hit epic tier. You will have access to my full roll20 compendium to build your character (similar to dndbeyond). You can make your character in dndbeyond instead, but I'm not proficient in the system for character building management so I will not be able to help you if you have problems inputing your new abilities. I have run one online epic game and we all edited our roll20 sheets, and I would be able to help you if you have any issues. Rules for epic legacy: Character creation rules: Level 20, no multiclassing (does not work well with this ruleset) Point buy (27) Sourcebooks allowed: Dungeon Master's Guide, Player's Handbook, Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, Monsters of the Multiverse, Glory to the Giants, Epic Legacy content (included in rules) Magic items: Allowed from sourcebooks above 1 legendary 2 very rare 3 rare or uncommon Banned items: wave, whelm, blackrazor, potions of giant size, talisman of pure good, iron flask, broom of flying, adamantine armor, mizzium armor, bag of devouring, horns of valhalla, manual of golems, guardian emblem, deck of wonder, plate of knight's fellowship, fate dealer's deck, jester's mask, spindle of fate you may not stack stat books, you can only benefit from one stat book per stat You will start out with 50,000gp and can buy mundane items from the PHB and the following potions and scrolls: Healing- 50gp /// Climbing- 75gp /// Animal Friendship- 100gp /// greater healing- 100gp /// water breathing- 100gp /// superior healing- 500gp /// supreme healing- 1000gp /// invisibility- 5000gp Cantrip- 25gp /// 1st- 75gp /// 2nd- 150gp /// 3rd- 300gp /// 4th- 500gp /// 5th- 1000gp The group will also have their own stronghold and followers, which I will go over in session 0.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 1:00 AM UTC

Mar 31 / Session 57

3-3 Hour duration

5 / 7 Seats filled


Mon, Mar 31 | 1:00 AM - Session 57


Experience required: Advanced

Age: 18+