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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Storytelling, Inclusive

About me

I've been running D&D 5th edition campaigns for about 7 years now. The settings I run are all written by myself, and I'm currently honing my writing craft at university. I was also a theatre kid and enjoy an emphasis on roleplay (But I never force it, I understand that we all enjoy D&D in our own ways.) I believe beginners and veterans will both find enjoyment at my table. Most of the players that I run campaigns for are veteran players, many of them DM's themselves, but I also have run plenty of one-shots for friends and acquaintances who were curious about dungeons and dragons and wanted to give it a try. I have two settings that I've created that have become passion projects of mine: Wyrmhest A vast northern island and one of the world's last bastions of monsters and magic. Norse-inspired villages are populated by a mix of locals and refugees who have fled persecution by the mainland church. The crown of Wyrmhest has sat unclaimed since the last crusade three hundred years ago. The creatures of the ocean are unusually bold and restless. Strange circles have been appearing in unexpected places. The island's gods are present and restless. This setting features opportunities to hunt legendary creatures, engage in political intrigue, explore ruins of the island's mysterious past, and uncover the truth about why Wyrmhests magic isn't fading alongside the rest of the world. Engress A smog-choked megacity in the midst of an industrial revolution, Engress is world-renowned for its esteemed university and gleaming towers. While the world sees a city pioneering the mix of science and magic, this steampunk fantasy adventure explores an urban jungle rife with poverty, greed, arrogance and crime. While some monsters lurk in the sewers and abandoned mines beneath the city, other monsters are your next-door neighbours. Disappearances are common, politics are corrupt, and the rich are always scheming to get richer. This setting features opportunities to uncover conspiratorial plots, solve mysterious crimes, hunt down criminal bounties, and root out the monsters living among men. Faction intrigue is highly prominent: Criminal organizations, political groups, and megacorporations are all vying for control over the city.

GM style

I typically DM roleplay-centred adventures. Mysteries and interwoven plot threads hang over the campaign and are revealed over time as the party delves into old ruins or gets mixed up in faction intrigue. I roleplay most NPC conversations and streamline dialogue when necessary for pacing. Combat can be sparse or frequent, it depends on the routes the party chooses. I work closely with the players on their characters and backstories and spend a good deal of time ensuring everything integrates into the setting. To help facilitate dynamic characters, I ask every player for their character's greatest regrets and aspirations. I also request that players help me develop at least one NPC that their character considers an ally, and one NPC that their character doesn't get along with. This helps me populate the world in such a way that it feels lived in by the characters. I try to create a living and breathing world that flows around the party. I believe strongly in maintaining player agency and choice. I usually provide the party with multiple plot hooks at any given time, allowing them the opportunity to pick and choose based on their own priorities. We craft a story together as the parties' actions (or inactions) dynamically influence the world around them. Ultimately, my priority is that everyone has fun. I try to make sure everyone has a chance to share the spotlight, I often invoke the rule of cool when something isn't technically RAW but is creative and fun, and allow a certain degree of creative freedom in reflavouring class features and spells. My table has a few hard rules: Keep it clean: We've all heard horror stories of groups that forget that all the characters are being played by people who are uncomfortable with unwanted advances and indecent comments. I'm not saying that the bard can't flirt with the barmaid and fade to black, or that two player characters can't be lovers. Just that anything explicit, overt, or indecent has no place at my table. No bigotry: This should be self-explanatory. If you are racist, sexist, LGBTQ+ phobic, etc, then you should not be at my table. Share the spotlight: Everyone wants to be the main character, but there are often 5 or 6 main characters in one party. Some players are naturally shy and others more outspoken and that's fine, but understand when it's someone else's time to shine and don't constantly try and become the center of attention. Party cohesion, PVP, and "It's what my character would do": There's an unspoken rule in D&D that almost everyone abides by: There are limitations to the line "it's what my character would do", if actions would risk breaking apart the party cohesion or causing hurt feelings amongst players, your character wouldn't do it. We're here to have fun together. Intercharacter conflict is good drama, but it should never risk derailing the campaign or leaving people feeling hurt in real life. PVP should never happen, if things are reaching the point of PVP then a stop should have been put to the situation a long time beforehand. The one exception to this rule is if it has been discussed beforehand and integrated into the plot. No joke characters/Chaotic Neutral is not a personality: If your character is inspired by the Puffin Forest's character Abserd, you're probably looking for another DM. Comedic relief is valuable entertainment, but if your character's entire existence is to be intolerable, ridiculous, or to constantly cause problems, that simply won't mesh with my style.

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