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Less than a year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Voices

About me

Hello there! Everyone is calling me Pants. Why? Who knows- that is the first of many mysteries my players have to discover. I am from Ukraine and I have been wearing the DM mantle for three years. Are you looking for the character tailored adventure? Or for the tactical and challenging combat? Perhaps Rule of Cool fueled scenarios? If so, we are all in luck, because that's my forte! Everyone is welcomed at my table, be that experienced player or someone who is making their first steps in this wonderful hobby. It is my duty to keep games a safe space where we all can have fun and create an unique adventure regardless of, gender, religion, or orientation. My golden rule? Have fun and let others have fun too. It's only when my players leave the table feeling inspired that I can rest easy, knowing we've added a little bit of magic to the real world.

GM style

Are you ready to embark on unforgettable adventures filled with intrigue, danger, and epic storytelling? Then you are in luck! As a DM, I pride myself on being a narrator rather than a storyteller. What does this mean for you? It means that every session is a dynamic journey where your choices shape the narrative and adventure itself. I specialize in improvised Dungeons & Dragons sessions, where the unexpected is embraced, and creativity knows no bounds. One of my guiding principles is the Rule of Cool, prioritizing fun and memorable moments over sticking to rules as written. Whether you're facing off against a monster or navigating intricate political intrigue, the focus is always on crafting an engaging and exciting experience for every player. My campaigns are tailor-made, drawing inspiration from character backstories to create rich and immersive worlds. From homebrewed adventures to custom campaigns, every story unfolds uniquely, ensuring that your character's journey is meaningful and impactful. At the heart of it all is a character-driven narrative. Your backstory matters, influencing not just your actions but the very fabric of the world we explore together. Every decision you make, every ally or enemy you encounter, shapes the unfolding story. Combat in my sessions is not just about rolling dice. It's a tactical puzzle where strategy, quick thinking, and environmental awareness are key. I thrive on creating dynamic combat scenarios where using the surroundings to your advantage can turn the tide of battle. But it's not just about combat prowess. I've completely reworked the crafting system, making off-time activities an integral part of your character's development. Whether you're brewing potent potions or creating objects of art, your downtime will be a valuable part of your adventures. Sessions with me typically span 4 to 8 hours, ensuring ample time for deep immersion and epic storytelling. So, are you ready to dive into a world where your imagination knows no bounds? Join me, and let's create unforgettable adventures together!

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