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Casey (she/they)




Less than a year on StartPlaying

42 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, Inclusive

About me

A 30-year veteran with a specialty in horror games and atmosphere-rich experiences. Hi there, I'm Casey. Introduced to AD&D in the early nineties, I've been captivated by RPGs for well on 30 years now. I've played and run everything from Cyberpunk to Pathfinder (see below), but my real passion is for horror games: Call of Cthulhu, Vampire: The Masquerade, Kult: Divinity Lost and many more. To that end, I've spent countless hours developing skills in pacing and description to deliver an immersive and engaging horror experience. However, it's not all escalating tension. Many sessions are spent investigating mysteries and developing character arcs. After all, horror isn't horror when there's nothing at stake. And don't forget levity. There's nothing like a good laugh to break the tension. If you enjoy horror, a focus on roleplay, and a bit of absurd humor, one of my games might be for you. 🎲 If you see a game that interests you, but the time slot doesn't work, message me. I might be able to accommodate. 🎲

GM Style

♦️Community: I try to foster a welcoming and inclusive community, but I need your help to make that happen. Let's make it a safe and fun space for everyone. ♦️Collaborative Narratives: Gaming is a conversation - I present a situation, you react; you take an action, the world reacts. We create the story together. ♦️Character-driven Play: Your PCs' choices matter. Your character-arc matters. Your relationship with the PC group matters. It's your story. ♦️Character Spotlight: Everyone needs time to shine. Part of my job is make sure the spotlight gets passed. However, role play at your own comfort level. Speak in the third person if you prefer. Use your spotlight time as it suits you. ♦️Rules-light: We roll dice only when something is at stake, or the degree of success matters. If a character is good at something, they'll often just be able to do that thing. ♦️Cinematic Combat: Combat plays fast. The more creative you are, the more fun combat can be, even if all you're doing is trying to escape some eldritch horror. ♦️Atmosphere and Tone: Whether the psychological horror of Delta Green or the grim and perilous atmosphere of Warhammer Fantasy, I use imagery, music, and description to convey it. But, it's everyone's contribution, or buy-in, that helps to maintain it. ♦️Open Door: I am always receptive to any questions or concerns you have. It's very important to me that my players have an enjoyable experience! Happy Gaming!

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