Cost Per Player
Andrew (he/him)
2 years on StartPlaying
12 games hosted
Highly rated for: Rule of Cool, Knows the Rules, Teacher
About me
Hey, what's up! My name is Andrew, although I typically go by C3LL (pronounced cell), and, although I might be a relatively new DM compared to others on here, I have lots experience with 5e DMing as I (unfortunately or fortunately) have been casted into my groups forever DM role. However, I love DMing 5e and any excuse to play is one I would take :). English is not my first language so my vocabulary might not be as *extensive* as others, but my main priority is that everyone has a blast at my table! Whether you prefer role-play or combat heavy sessions, I don't mind, come along and lets roll some d20s!
GM Style
Loves deep character interaction, and high stakes, difficult, but rewarding combat. Player-to-player roleplay is often rewarded and encouraged. Fun above all else!
Games played
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