Shadows of the Abyss: A Dungeons and Dragons UnderDark Adventure

Shadows of the Abyss: A Dungeons and Dragons UnderDark Adventure

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, D&D Beyond

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Deep beneath the surface of the world, far from the light of the sun and the shining of the stars, there exists a realm of endless labyinthine tunnels and caverns known as the Underdark. Here amongst the stone and fungi dwell inummerable creatures and cultures, all well accustomed to life below ground. The dark caves and twisting tunnels hold secrets lost to the ages - some fantastic, some frightening. There are places in this subterranean world so dark and so old, that even the gods have forgotten what lies there. Here, deep undeground, a great unsettling has begun. Lust for power and reckless abandon have caused deep rumblings to reverberate through the Underdark. Quite by accident, a tear was ripped in the bottom of the world. Now something truly terrifying oozes in, its dark tendrils reaching forth with malicious intent. There are many deadly things in the Underdark, but nothing can compare to the hateful madness that has come. If someone does not reverse the tide, it will bubble up and burst forth, consuming all the world in its black berth. You have found yourself thrown into the midst of this calamity, unaware of the horrors slowly circling. Whether by fate or by design or by unhappy accident, you have the unique opportunity to stand against the encroaching darkness. Will you hold fast, even as you flee the many dangers that pursue you? Or will the evil hunger consume you? Only the falling of the dice, and the telling of the tale, will see you to your destination.

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need: - A Discord account - A D&DBeyond account (the free one is fine, no need to buy one if you don't want to) - A computer setup that includes a microphone (necessary) and a camera (less necessary, but highly preferred) Additional options include: - Dice for rolling - Snacks for munching - Pets for snuggling - Costumes for wearing - Memes for dropping - Ideas for sharing

What I provide

I will provide: - A D&D Beyond account with content sharing for maximum player options - All the digital books we could ever want, need, or reasonably afford - A Discord server, in which I will have places for maps, imagery, lore dumps, and anything else we might need for an excellent, easy gameplaying experience

Gameplay details

Players can expect a game that builds over time. The game will begin a little slower - starting with an hour long session 0 to work through character creation/tweaking (Premade characters will be available for anyone who just wants to jump in without making one), and the first few games will be geared to help the players learn party dynamics, clarify rules, and settle into their new characters. The pace will gradually build as the story progresses and the stakes get higher - by the end, it will be an intense, satisfying experience. As for rules, the focus will be on the fundamentals - the core mechanics will be rigid, to provide a strong foundation, but the finer details will be a bit more flexible. That way the rules can keep things honest, without getting in the way of the fun. Some quick details for safety tools: - Session 0/Lines and Veils: We will set ground rules for the table, as well as set boundaries for what is and is not ok for folks at the table, right at Session 0. We will set the standard first, so there is as little room for confusion as possible. - X, N, and O Cards: I personally think this is a kind of cool way to voice concerns without interrupting gameplay. Use what works best for you - physicsl cards, type into the Discord chat, or even verbalize. Big note though ... while I do appreciate tools that prevent interruption, if the game needs to pause so an issue can be addressed, by all means please interrupt. Nothing is more important than the safety of the people at the table. That ALWAYS comes first. - Open Door/Breaks: No one should feel forced to stay if they need to take a step back. While there won't be scheduled breaks per say, it is always 100% ok to call a timeout (I guarantee I will do it now and again). Whether its for emotional wellbeing, a potty break, the pizza man, or just to laugh hysterically for a moment at what just happened, the game will be there when we return. - Aftercare/Debrief/Stars and Wishes: I am big on aftercare, but I also tend to lump these three together. Namely, I always leave some time at the end of the session for discussion. I want to know what you liked AND what you didn't like. I want to know what feel about what's happened, and what you feel about what's to come. Whether in a forum setting or pulling me aside, never hesitate to voice your thoughts to me!

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Breaks

  • Debriefing

  • Lines and Veils

  • Open Door

  • Session 0

  • Stars and Wishes

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Characters will begin at Level 1 (oh yeah, it's gonna be that kind of game). We will use D&D Beyond for character creation and character sheet management. We will have a brief time at the start of the game for character creation, at which time we will input the party into D&DBeyond's character creation tools. This will allow me to track and manage your progress. And if you don't want to make a character from scratch, fear not - there will be premade templates you can choose from.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: High

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Open to all

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