D&D Essentials - Dragon of Icespire Peak

D&D Essentials - Dragon of Icespire Peak

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT, D&D Beyond

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Dragon of Icespire Peak sees a group of adventurers encounter many problems that have cropped up in the wake of the despotic new arrival to the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms: a White Dragon. Begin in the small town of Phandalin where you'll get to know the denizens, learn to love them, and even want to protect. Venture forth into the trackless depths of Neverwinter Wood, the frontiers or the Starmetal Hills, and the treacherous crags of the Sword Mountains. Can the heroes forge peace from the chaos wrought by the draconic tyrant? Will they find the creature's lair and succeed in ridding the land of its terrible influence? And perhaps most importantly, what will the heroes gain from their adventures, should they survive to its conclusion? This adventure is for 3 to 5 player characters (as well as Sidekicks to fill out the party as needed) and will take them from 1st level up to as high as 7th level, utilizing the milestone progression rules.

Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

174 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

No webcam required. Please use a directional microphone and headphones, or a headset. I am on the autism spectrum and the extraneous background noises can become pretty overwhelming for me. However, if you play in a quiet place and use headphones or earbuds, an open mic like a speakerphone can work. Players will need a free account on DnDBeyond (www.dndbeyond.com). For voice communication, I utilize Discord, so have a free account for that, too. No account is required to play on my Foundry VTT server, but reliable access to an up-to-date web browser is. Dice rolls will be utilizing soul-less digital dice through Foundry VTT, or if we feel like it, through DnDBeyond. There is a browser extension (Beyond 20) that can have your dice rolls on DnDBeyond be resolved in Foundry VTT, if that's your speed, but definitely not required. If planning on creating a new character, please have at least a solid character concept in mind before the first session so we can get into the action as soon as possible. Additionally, have a character portrait ready to upload if you want (nothing obscene, obviously). Please download, fill out, and email me (IsaacBooneGM@gmail.com) a copy of Monte Cook's RPG Consent Checklist: https://mcpl.info/sites/default/files/images/consent-in-gaming-form-fillable-checklist-2019-09-13.pdf

What I provide

I will have content for each session prepared on the digital gaming platform Foundry VTT.

Gameplay details

I enjoy using different voices and accents as I portray the various NPCs you'll come in contact with. You should NOT feel expected to speak in character, in 1st person, using any kind of accent or voice other than your own. That said, if you're comfortable doing any of that, feel free. I tend to use a splash of homebrew rules in my games (some which I don't remember are homebrew) but nothing earth shattering- if you're looking for a game to help you learn how to play D&D you'll be in good hands. I'm open to adopting new homebrew rules as players suggest them, but final say on what rules are used is mine. I like to keep things focused on the story being told, and even during combat I will typically narrate the in-world results of the mechanical dice results. I consider Hit Points to be the extra energy your characters spend avoiding getting injured, not a bag of blood that gets emptied and refilled like a squirt gun.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Lines and Veils

  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

  • Session 0

  • Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Character creation will take place using DnDBeyond. Character options are limited to the content I own on DnDBeyond (PHB, Volo's Guide, Xanathar's Guide, Princes of the Apocalypse, and Tasha's Cauldron) in addition to any non-homebrew content the player has access to on DnDBeyond. If there are character options you would like to use that are otherwise not available, I can purchase them on DnDBeyond so you can use them, if you don't want to buy them yourself.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Open to all

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