Alien: Chariot of the Gods (Beginner-friendly)

Alien: Chariot of the Gods (Beginner-friendly)

Alien RPG on Owlbear Rodeo, Zoom

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This is a story about dying (or, hopefully, surviving) on a very wet spaceship. This is a dark sci-fi/horror adventure in space, based in the universe of the Alien franchise. Space is vast and deadly. You and your crewmates are alone out here, and you'll have to rely on one another to survive. Hopefully you can. This adventure is for anyone 18 or older. You don't need to know the rules; we'll go over that together. You don't even need to be familiar with the Alien series. You might appreciate some things differently if you know the movies, but no pre-existing knowledge is required to understand the adventure.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need a webcam and microphone. The game will take place on Zoom, and we will use Owlbear Rodeo (no download needed) for maps. Once I send you your character sheet, you'll probably want to print it out. It's easier to keep track of your character's traits that way.

What I provide

I'll bring basically everything else: the maps, character sheets and handouts. Dice rolls will be handled in Owlbear Rodeo's dice roller.

Gameplay details

This is a horror story. It will get violent and a little gory. It's good to be ready for that going in, but I don't like to overdo the descriptions of gore, and we'll be using the X-card so that you can call "Stop!" if something is too much for you. I'm not going to push past anyone's boundaries. Gameplay will be focused on exploration, survival and lots of character interaction between the players. Fighting can happen, but it's a desperate, scary thing. There is also the potential for conflict between player characters. This works best if you can separate yourself from your character during those scenes, and play it out with full awareness that the conflict is between the characters, not the players. If things ever get too tense, the X-card will be there, and I might even be the one using it to call time out. We're here to have fun and maybe get a little spooked. These scenes can be fun if everyone's cool. My virtual table is LGBTQIA-friendly, BIPOC-friendly and women-friendly. I want to make sure everyone is comfortable. Don't say things that demean, offend or make folks uncomfortable, and respect the X-card, even if you don't get why someone is bothered. Character death is possible, even likely, in this game. If you come from lighter games (or very kind GMs/DMs), this might seem jarring. These moments are meant to be dramatic and scary, not punishing to you as a player. The game's rules have provisions to allow you to continue playing in a new role, so you don't have to worry that character death will leave you left out.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

This is a "cinematic adventure", meaning that you will be playing as pre-made characters that are designed to be part of this story. You're stepping into the shoes of an ensemble cast in a movie. They are all unique to this adventure, not based on any pre-existing characters, so no other familiarity is required.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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