The New Player's Guide to Foundry

Learn more about Foundry and how to make the most of it for your adventure with your friends.


If you want the final boss of all virtual tabletops, look no further than Foundry. This platform gives players an all-encompassing experience with plenty of fancy extras.

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What is Foundry?

Foundry is a software made for hosting tabletop games on computers. Unlike other virtual tabletops, such as Roll20 or Alchemy, Foundry games are not hosted online through a separate server. Instead, the host directly connects to the players. At its simplest level, Foundry provides a space for maps, tokens, and other basics one needs to run tabletop RPG combat. However, thanks to user-created macros, a game can be massively customized to provide a singular experience. Imagine a villain that taunts at the start of every turn, a camera that automatically pans to the active combatant, or attacks that explode with anime flair.

What Features Does Foundry Have?

The most upfront unique aspect of Foundry is that you pay for a one time license instead of a regular subscription fee. The license holder can then host unlimited games for others even if those players didn’t purchase the license. 

Foundry works for many other VTTs in that it provides a shared space that’s usually populated by a map. The Game Master can use tools like fog of war and dynamic lighting to slowly reveal areas as players explore. In battle, the GM can display initiative trackers, health bars, and more to give players as much or as little information as helps the excitement. Outside of combat, the GM can show larger continent maps, documents, and digital dice to keep things visually appealing. Playlists can be used to curate music and ambiance, while rollable tables bring chaos with a click. 


For players, Foundry offers tools to keep character sheets, chat, and a journal all on the same screen. You can also update your token with many detailed points of information like a health bar, status effect icon, and elevation level if flying comes into play. If the GM sets up the right macros, you can even interact with the world on your own, such as purchasing items from a shopkeep and having the coins automatically deducted from your sheet.

But the real magic of Foundry is macros. Hosts can add macros to sprinkle their game with custom elements big and small. Animated spell effects are a popular one, as are scripts for NPCs. This brings life to the session by showing the flash of lighting from your character or allowing the tokens on the map to say catch phrases like in a video game. Some GMs even use animated battle maps that feature flowing lava or a moving train.

Learn to Use Foundry

Check out this video, which is a great introduction to getting started with Foundry:

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Why hire a professional Game Master?

Convenience and Flexibility:

StartPlaying allows you to easily find and book sessions with professional Dungeon Masters and Game Masters that work for your schedule. You can focus on enjoying the game without worrying about the logistics of organizing sessions. Playing online provides flexibility, as you can join games from anywhere with an internet connection.


Quality and Consistency:

Player reviews on StartPlaying make it easy to find a Dungeon Master whose style aligns with your preferences. With reviews from other players, you can gauge whether a DM is the right fit for how you want to play,  whether it’s combat, role-playing, storytelling, or a specific genre.

Tailored Play Experience:

Player reviews on StartPlaying make it easy to find a Dungeon Master whose style aligns with your preferences. With reviews from other players, you can gauge whether a DM is the right fit for how you want to play,  whether it’s combat, role-playing, storytelling, or a specific genre.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a VTT?
What is a Tabletop Role-Playing Game (TTRPG)?
What is the difference between a one-shot and a campaign?
How do I know if I found a good or bad GM?
Is it normal to pay for a Game Master?
Do people mostly play D&D and other TTRPGs online?

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