A Most Potent Brew! A Learn-to-Play One-Shot for Beginners!
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | One-Shot
About the adventure
New to D&D? Great! That's exactly who this one-shot is for! The Wizard's Tower Brewing Co. has a small problem: giant rats! Seems simple enough, but you'll soon find that the this brewery didn't get its name for no reason. Discover the secrets that lie beneath, getting a taste of dungeon delving, combat, and (some very light) puzzle solving! This one-shot caters to new players who have either never played before or who are still learning the ropes. That means it's a completely safe space where you can ask as many questions as you want, and nobody will be bothered by you not knowing the rules because that's why everybody's there!
This is a quirky, wonderfully straightforward one-shot for people new to the game. If you join early enough and hop into the Discord, you can plan your party with the other players, and I can guide you through character creation!
Additional details
How to prepare
You'll need a camera and a microphone, Discord, and a free account on Owlbear Rodeo. Before the adventure, send me your character sheet so I can look it over as well.
What I provide
We'll be using a virtual tabletop called Owlbear Rodeo, custom tokens, and digital maps. I also offer assistance before the game via my Discord server where you can ask any questions you have leading up to the session. There will be music and voices too! This is gonna be a blast, and I guarantee you'll want to play again!
Gameplay details
I use periodic breaks, but players are free to use the bathroom or do whatever as needed. I ask for Lines and Veils to find out what you're comfortable with. At the end, we do Stars (things you enjoyed) and Wishes (things you'd like to see more of)!
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work
You'll need a level 1 character. For setting Ability Scores, use "Standard Array". Any additional questions you have can be asked directly on my Discord server, especially if you've never made a character before. For newbies, I gently discourage using D&D Beyond. While it can be a handy tool, it causes a lot of people to make characters without knowing how they actually function, and you end up like me, playing 7 years and not knowing what half the numbers on my character sheet even mean (I mean, now I do.)
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Owlbear Rodeo
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Once / Wednesday - 4:00 PM UTC
Apr 2
3-4 Hour duration
2 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: All Ages