Savage MechWarrior
Savage Worlds, BattleTech RPG | Campaign
About the adventure
You've probably heard of Battletech. Game of Thrones setting with nobles settling their difference with giant stompy robot war machines called Battlemechs. This is that setting but from a first person, boots on the ground point of view. This campaign will use Savage Worlds as the base for its engine with Battletech in 3025 providing the setting. Characters can be as varied as the grizzled veteran of a thousand battles, to an assassin working for one of the Great Houses, to a new fresh out of the academy rookie trying to make his way. The team is going to be playing a hardscrabble mercenary unit on a backwater planet trying to keep their Mechs together and pay the bills. The focus will be mostly on the RP side with the mechs and the larger story serving as backdrop. Quick setting primer. Humanity in 3025 has spread out over a thousand worlds from Earth and divided up into several Great Houses and Periphery states. Once, they were united in the Star League but due to a coup, the Star League was shattered and for the last 300 years, mankind has been warring with each other over resources and power. It's a hard sci fi setting, no magic, no aliens, just us humans and future tech. If this sounds interesting, please feel free to sign up.
Game Master Reviews (11)
Players say this GM is great at:
Murphy is an incredible Storyteller who always brings preparation, imagination, and excitement to the table. His games welcome anyone to the table, providing an inclusive space to delve into whatever genre you seek to explore, at a level of maturity based on the people at the table.
Played with him for almost half a year at this point. Creative world building and interesting story, but let several sexist comments slide repeatedly by a player that didn't pay (a friend of the GM) including calling another woman the "C" word out of character which I had to comment on to be addressed. GM made an inappropriate comment towards me I wasn't sure how to respond to since when I did ask he responded "It's because you're a woman." Sat on it overnight to think about it and he got upset I waited to tell him after being absolutely shocked by the comment. Told him I needed time (he said he'd give me a week) and then he messaged me within 24 hours wanting to know by the end of the day if I was still playing because "the plot." Apology fell flat because it felt like it was about the need for my characters and financially incentivized. While a good GM for storyline and most of the other players are amazing, I don't think I'd recommend him or his friend for other women or female-presenting players.
I've been playing off and on with Murphy for about 10 years now. It's been fun time in Deadlands, a couple good missions in Shadowrun and a game of ETU that I still wish he'd pick back up, if it wasn't for the time zone difference between us. But in fact, every once in a blue moon I have the opportunity to listen into one of his games (at what is for me a horribly ungodly late hour) and remain thoroughly entertained, even if I don't play myself. So book this man for a session and see for yourself! You won't regret it!
Whoah. I am ... beyond impressed. Beyond impressed. Even if I've got half the fun I did, it would've still been a lot more then I expected. This is my first Tabletop experience and I enjoyed it so much. Other forms of on chair entertainment? Video Games? Movies? Not even a tenth of an experience compared to my experience I've had this weekend with Murphy. I'm annoyed this thing allows only 3 tags.
He is awesome. He allows for creativity is his games which can be good and bad. Bad only in the sense that decisions you make are never forgotten. He is like an elephant. His campaigns have a beginning and an end. With the middle portions aligned to milestones and player decisions. He does tolerates bad actors to a point. Warnings are given for treating other layers poorly and second chances (sometimes 3rds are provided). Its a safe space for everyone.
Additional details
How to prepare
You will need a Headset A roll 20 account A Discord account No prior knowledge of Savage Worlds or Battletech is necessary besides the understanding that the setting is neo-feudalism where problems are solved with giant stompy robots. You should come prepared to make a team member who will advance the goals of the unit and have fun.
What I provide
The game will be run on Roll20 for VTT and Discord for voice chat. You will need accounts for both platforms. In addition, you will need a working microphone. I try to make the game world feel as close to real as I can. My NPCs aren't stat blocks but living beings that really don't want to die today. That being said, no one in my games have plot armor and I don't run self-insert GMNPCs. This game will be all about a team of individuals banding togther to make their fortune and fame. So if you're interested, you should aim to make a character that supports the team and the narrative. On the narrative, I don't have a pre planned story. The world is your sandbox. Enemies and other factions have their own agendas, it is up to you to decide to get involved or not. I believe in Player Agency above all, but actions have consequences and rewards. The game system, Savage Worlds, has a reroll currency called Bennies. You start with 3 and can spend them to add to a roll, reroll a fail, soak damage, or take narrative control of a scene. You can also earn them through solving puzzles, good Roleplay, and being a team player. On the discord, I have a memes channel, in character roleplay and the day before the fall. Posting in these channels earns you an extra Bennie. As far as combat goes, SW is a tactical game but it is very fast paced. Each PC has one action per turn (up to 3 with penalties). It is meant for cinematic action. And that's how I run my games. Like a TV show, you'll have episodes, seasons and arcs. If you feel like this is something you'd like to play, reach out. Have a good gaming day.
Gameplay details
I do a personal Session Zero with each player as well as a group chat before play begins. I have campaign rules for expected behavior and we discuss hard lines and veils. My campaign rules are available on my GM profile. X cards can be used on the VTT or you can call a "Timeout" for whatever reason. My goal is to provide a safe, inclusive place to have fun.
Content warnings
• Language/Cursing
• Death
Safety tools used
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Players will create characters with me in a free session. I have a Google Doc with the conversion from the original rules. Essentially, you are making a future human in a neo-feudal society who has banded together with other PCs to make a functional mercenary unit who wage war for profit. Depending on your specific Life Module choices, you will have a capable character. Everyone will be capable of combat, repairs, healing and basic actions in the game world.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Discord
• Roll20
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Wednesday - 9:00 PM UTC
3-3.5 Hour duration
4 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+