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Paul (he/him)



Published Writer
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

393 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

Most know me as GM.OVERSEER HISTORY: I've been gaming for over 40 years (and 99% of the time, I'm the GM). Countless hours of face-to-face tabletop gaming, struggling like we all do ... to find schedules that match. I've been on a quest to run quality games, asynchronously, since the pre-internet days of NETmail and BBS. The solution: Play-by-Post. I rarely host live games any more. YOU WON'T BELIEVE some of the crazy spin-off games I've had the pleasure of running. * Some based on TV Shows & Movies: The Purge, Alien, Fallout, Star Trek, Star Wars, Sliders, Firefly. * Some Play-by-Post games with D&D characters, but based on board games: Betrayal at the House on the Hill, White Castle, One Night / Werewolf / Werewords, Talisman, Munchkin. I've had the pleasure of being a consultant, creative content writer, editor, and game designer for a few small companies over the years. I've published a few things, play-tested a LOT, cos-played, streamed games, and taught RPG classes. "That's what I do... I drink & I know things." ~ Tyrion Lannaster (Game of Thrones) Truth be told, I don't drink any more so ... "That's what I do... I roll dice & I know things." ~ GM Overseer (SPG) SPECIAL "CUSTOM" PBP GAMES: If you can bring at least four [4] players, and a unique game idea, I'll probably host it [with some consideration for the game system]. Is there something you've always wanted to try, but can't find a game like that... is right up my alley. Discounts for truly imaginative and clever spin-off ideas! Play-by-post only. It would be a rare exception to start a LIVE game. Don't hesitate to ask, but I doubt it. [Solo / Duet / One-on-One gaming by special requests are possible, but it's the same effort on my part with only one or two paying players. Expect the cost to be quite a bit higher than a party of many players, sharing the cost. Estimate (without knowing more)? Expect about $60 per table/per week, be that 1x player @ $60, 2x at $30 each, or 6x players at $10 each, sharing the cost]

GM Style

My RPG buzzwords: Fun, funny, intriguing and shocking! I like games based in realism (even if magic does alter that, sometimes). Throw in some Rule of Cool occasionally and REALLY play up the CRITS... It's a good time! ----------------------------- I DO NOT like linear campaigns where the GM picks the adventure and forces the group to stick to the path. I am more likely to throw all kinds of jobs, opportunities, rumors, observations, and ideas at you - in game and in character. You all decide which path to play in this vast sandbox of possibility. GAMING MOTTO: "It's YOUR game, play it YOUR way!"

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.