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1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Teacher

About me

Hey, I'm Quivorian! As a kid, I engaged with stories by reading any and everything I could get my hands on. As a pre-teen, I tried my hand at writing my own stories. These days, I've been enjoying creating stories alongside others in tabletop RPG sessions (and watching a lot of Dimension20). While I do play once in a while, I much prefer the DM's seat and I take great pleasure in creating fun worlds and interesting stories that my players can interact and influence. I keep the "rule of cool" at the forefront and my own homebrew campaigns have intriguing stories that place an emphasis on player freedom (most of the time), and when I am running modules, I remix and change things so that even players who might be familiar with the module have a brand new experience. When it comes to combat, I prefer interesting, dynamic combat — fun encounters that make you think on your feet and involve objectives beyond just killing everything. I provide a beginner friendly and LGBTQ+ friendly table, and as a player at my table, you will have the freedom to create your own character who fits the world and campaign, with appropriate hooks connecting them to story elements, and you can trust that decisions you make will matter. I *absolutely suck* at doing voices, but you'll meet interesting NPCs who have their own motives and goals, and will interact with your characters to both help and hamper your journey. My games are run using Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (most of the time) but I can be very flexible about RAW when rule of cool comes to play and I utilize a variety of added/alternate mechanics where it fits the story (BLeeM's Emphasis rolls, Gritty Realism, Sanity/Honor, Flashbacks from Blades in the Dark, pushed rolls from Call of Cthulu, and more).

GM Style

• Rule of cool: you tell me what you want to do, and as long as it makes sense within the limits of the world, by god I'll try and help you do it. Whether it is the character you create or some crazy action you want to attempt, your choices will matter. • Narrative driven: collaborative storytelling is fun, and it's even more fun when there is a story that drives the players! Whether it's tied to your backstories or the bigger picture, there will always be a narrative for you to delve into and explore. • Dynamic combat: I think just killing things is boring. Combat should be fun and frantic and make you think on your feet, and I try my best to make interesting encounters that have varied objectives and reward creative thinking. • Safe and inclusive: all players are welcome at my table and all types of characters are welcome at my table. I aim for group cohesion and use safety tools to make sure that we can all tell interesting stories in a safe manner!

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