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1 year on StartPlaying

10 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Inclusive, Knows the Rules

About me

I got into TTRPGs over ten years ago, when I convinced a friend to take his D&D idea and run an actual campaign from it. Since that 3.5e campaign where I played a woodland Ranger with a wolf companion, almost all of the players have gone on to become GMs themselves as I did. As much as I love playing in these games, there's something magical about running the game, bringing an entire world to life in the minds of others. Tabletop games are about social interaction. They're about bringing people together to play a game that unites them in pursuit of a goal. TTRPGs help people get to know each other in a way little else can. No matter the game, that's always the true goal in my mind. I'm definitely a story-over-mechanics kind of GM, but I do believe the rules matter. I also believe that creativity deserves to be rewarded, so if you outsmart me, expect bonuses and even greater challenges going forward. My tables are inclusive, so I don't want people to have to deal with microaggressions while playing. Finally, a TTRPG isn't defined by its game master. It's defined by the story being told by everyone involved. So grab your dice and help me tell the next greatest story in gaming.

GM Style

I definitely lean toward more humor in my campaigns, usually through absurdist humor and brick jokes. I encourage my players to create their own silliness at the table (within reason...) so we all walk away with fun inside jokes and things to chuckle about between sessions. I personally enjoy the roleplay aspects the most, but don't expect that to mean combat won't be challenging. I'm very accustomed to, and fond of, teaching new players as we go. I want my players to feel comfortable asking questions when they don't understand something.

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