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Cost Per Player


Allfon (he/him)




1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Creativity

About me

I've been dming 5e for almost 8 years, so I'd like to think that I can think on my toes. I was privileged to run a D&D 5e game to level 20 with a completion to the main campaign storyline. I have half a decade of experience with running table top rooms at large conventions. I have run multiple groups at one time with perfect attendance for more than half a year. I’m experienced with D&D 3.5, Xcral, Pathfinder, Dresden Files RPG, and D&D 5e.

GM Style

Dark-Sun / Post Apocalyptic / Horror / Survival / Strategic / Organizations / Dark-Souls / Witcher

Game platforms used
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