Keys to the Golden Vault - Drop in Oneshots

Keys to the Golden Vault - Drop in Oneshots

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on D&D Beyond, Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

A secretive organization called the Golden Vault seeks operatives to perpetrate dangerous heists. One shots will be drop in sessions , no need to play all of them or in any order. See below for the level breakdown for each game. Any WOTC published character options will be allowed, Homebrew by DM approval only. Adventure Level Description The Murkmire Malevolence 1 Retrieve a mysterious egg ensconced in a museum to avert disaster. The Stygian Gambit 2 Rob a Nine Hells–themed casino built with stolen money. Reach for the Stars 3 Search for The Celestial Codex in a mansion warped by the Far Realm. Prisoner 13 4 Obtain the key to a vault from a spymaster imprisoned in Revel’s End. Tockworth’s Clockworks 5 Liberate a svirfneblin town besieged by clockwork automatons. Masterpiece Imbroglio 5 Infiltrate a thieves’ guild to retrieve a stolen painting. Axe from the Grave 6 Recover a stolen mandolin to lay a dead bard’s spirit to rest. Vidorant’s Vault 7 Retrieve a stolen diadem from the vault of a notorious thief. Shard of the Accursed 8 Use a magical shard to mend a giant’s broken heart and save a town from destruction. Heart of Ashes 8 Retrieve a king’s heart to save his kingdom from a terrible fate. Affair on the Concordant Express 9 Obtain information from a stranger traveling aboard an interplanar train. Party at Paliset Hall 10 Snatch a diamond from an archmage in the Feywild. Fire and Darkness 11 Wrest the Book of Vile Darkness from an efreeti and his lackeys.

2 years on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

Before the date/ time of the game, please have a character ready to go. I will host everything through Roll20 and will provide a DNDBeyond campaign link so you can use all the content I own. Homebrew is not off the table, I am very much a "Rule of Cool" DM, so lets chat first and I am sure we can figure something out.

What I provide

Basically everything we will need :)

Gameplay details

We will have a discussion before each game to go over lines and veils. If you are not comfortable with that, they can be messaged to me beforehand and I'll happily present them to the party myself. Anyone who does not acknowledge what we deicide on will not be allowed to continue and anyone who willfully disobeys during play will be kicked immediately. We are all here to have fun and play games, no need for any of that nonsense.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
How will character creation work

Once you join the game, I will send a link to a Discord channel I run. All the info you need to create a character will be listed in there. I will be hosting the game on Roll20 and we will use Discord for voice chat. I do ask that you have a decent/ working mic and webcams are completely optional.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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