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Star Tide: Race to the Fallen Star Adventures in the Green world

Star Tide: Race to the Fallen Star Adventures in the Green world

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

This is an ongoing adventure in the Westmarch style. Players can enter and leave the game at any time. You can play for one session or many. If you are new to playing D&D you are welcome to join. We will use the milestone system to level up in the game. The adventure we will be playing is called The Star Tide: The Quest for the Fallen Star from the company Dungeon in a Box. This is a 13 part adventure. This is a great game for beginning and veteran players. We will be sailing around the islands of the Greenworld looking for pieces of a fallen star. We will be encountering lost temples, volcanoes, giants, bug people, traps, puzzles, and many other obstacles along the way. This adventure has unique monsters and magic items. This adventure has a nice balance between role play, combat, and character development. We will have a ship that the players will customize as we sail. We will use the milestone system to level up in the game. This game will take our characters from level 1 to level 11. This campaign is drop in / drop out. You can play for one session or stay for many. Adventure chapters: Part 1: The start tide. Character level 1. We explore an old sky temple to get a magical compass. We get our boat and captain. Part 2. Roar of the Blazing Isles. Character level 2. We enter a volcano to look for a star shard. Part 3. Pillar of the Giants- Character level 3 . Climb the famous giant spur mountain to claim the next star shard. Part 4. Queen of the rotting jungle. Characters level 4 . Shrink down to the size of bugs to help defeat an evil force turning the bug people into zombies. Part 5. Maze of the Leviathan. Character level 5. Our ship gets eaten by a giant undead leviathan. Part 6. Race to the fallen star. Character level 6. Dive below the waves and join a merfolk festival before diving to the dark depths to find the star. Part 7. Forge of the dragon lord. Character level 6. We enter the forge of Pyre to seek help with the star. Part 8. Raid on the Library of secrets. Character level 7. We gain knowledge and power by searching the library for important books. Part 9. Battle for paradise. Character level 8. We enter the Feywilds and take on our rivals the Black reef pirates. Part 10. The twisted and greedy. Character level 9. A dragon has stolen our star and given it to some hags who want to eat it. Part 11. Hunters of the dark ice. Character level 10. We head through the sea of ice to get our star to the end of the world to get our last wish. A dark force has frozen the ocean and we have to defeat it to move forward. Part 12. The end of the world. Character level 11. We fight our way through a city of iron chain elves to set our star free and get our final wish. Part 13. Voyage's end. Character level 11 We travel to the astral plane after the Goddess of the stars asks us for help. At the end of this chapter the group can choose a new adventure to play or continue to explore the greenworld.

Game style

Rules as Written (RaW)

Games that are ran “Rules as Written” emphasize realism and stick to the letter of the rules, allowing players to explore creative solutions while still operating under a consistent rule set. Players have the ability to utilize the rules in creative ways to create awesome characters and moments in the game.

Rule of Cool (RoC)

“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.

Combat Heavy

“Combat Heavy” games emphasize the combat mechanics within their systems over roleplay or puzzle solving. There are frequent and longer battles with enemies and a greater emphasis on tactical game play.

Roleplay Heavy

“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.

Recruiting notes

This game is open to players of all levels from brand new to expert. No evil characters. Players will work together to fight monsters, solve puzzles and find the fallen star.



2 years on StartPlaying

131 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Additional details

How to prepare

Players should have dice or a digital dice rolling app. Players should have the Zoom App Downloaded to thier device before the game begins. You should have a working microphone. You should have a copy of your character sheet on D&D Beyond. We will use D&D Beyond maps We will use Discord for between game chat and handouts.

What I provide

I will bring full color maps on zoom and D&D Beyond maps. Maps and other handout will be given out at different times during the adventure through a discord channel.

Gameplay details

We will be playing on zoom X, N, and O cards can be sent privately or publicly through chat to the DM during the game. You can also draw these on a piece of paper and hold up to the camera. Please message the DM before the game about your lines and Veils. Abuse and Torture are hard lines in my games.

Content warnings

• Alcohol Use

• Character Death

• Death

• Fire

• Kidnapping

• Murder

• Violence

• Insects

Safety tools used

Lines and Veils

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

I recommend D&D beyond for character creation. No Evil characters You can use standard array, point buy, or Rolled stats. You may use any race or class that is in a published Wizard of the Coast D&D 5e book. No Homebrew or UA on characters. If you need a premade character please let me know before the game begin and I will send you the PDF at the correct level.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

D&D Beyond


D&D Beyond Maps


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 2:00 AM UTC

Mar 24 / Session 9

2-2 Hour duration

1 / 6 Seats filled


Mon, Mar 24 | 2:00 AM - Session 9

Mon, Mar 31 | 2:00 AM - Session 10

Mon, Apr 07 | 2:00 AM - Session 11

Mon, Apr 14 | 2:00 AM - Session 12

Mon, Apr 21 | 2:00 AM - Session 13

Mon, Apr 28 | 2:00 AM - Session 14

Mon, May 05 | 2:00 AM - Session 15

Mon, May 12 | 2:00 AM - Session 16

Mon, May 19 | 2:00 AM - Session 17

Mon, May 26 | 2:00 AM - Session 18

Mon, Jun 02 | 2:00 AM - Session 19

Mon, Jun 09 | 2:00 AM - Session 20

Mon, Jun 16 | 2:00 AM - Session 21

Mon, Jun 23 | 2:00 AM - Session 22


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages