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Holeworld: The Amethyst Dawn

Holeworld: The Amethyst Dawn

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

This Campaign: The Amethyst Dawn is a perfect campaign for players both new and experienced. In a homebrew shifting campaign world where just about anything can be found and sect of story can be told. The Amethyst Dawn is a journey that will take the players from level 3 to between levels 10-12. In the first chapter of The Amethyst Dawn, players explore the city of Ne'erwind in the Dragon Festival, a global celebration that only happens once every 5 years. From high fantasy antics to noir mystery, players see the world changing around them by the return of convergences, mystical portals that bring anything and everything from across the multiverse to Holeworld. Throughout the chaos that ensues in this chapter, the players may even uncover the plot a local gang, The Lovers. Will the players step up to the plate and save the world or find their own way to thrive in the chaos created by the changing atmosphere? Gameplay: As far as actual gameplay goes, I love investing in the characters' stories. No matter what I have written for this story and world, there is plenty of room for players to add to Holeworld's cannon. I encourage creativity in combat, so whether we use theater of the mind or tactical maps, I would love to see some risks taken. I prefer to have session 0 before starting campaigns, and this is where I can help with character creation and world building questions. Holeworld is dense and I have materials such as a WorldAnvil that break it down better than I can do in a text box like this. Introduction to Holeworld: Imagine, if you will, tops all spinning side-by-side on the same surface. These tops are like planes of existence in the multiverse. Now, picture one top that is spun a little too fast and begins to wobble its way around the surface, occasionally bumping into other tops. This top is the land they call "Holeworld." Though lost to time the origins of Holeworld began quite normally. Humans began to populate the globe and colonize, but they soon began to realize the Early Era truly begin. Entire races, cities, land masses and even just mundane objects began to appear through small rifts in space-time. Nicknamed "convergences," the world drastically changed in the Early Era. With the destruction brought upon the world during that time, little documentation of the Early Era yet remains. After centuries of chaos, order and unity among the races was found in an unlikely place: monsters. The Time of Monsters wrought the world with new threats, pestilence, and horrendous creatures which forced the races to unite to survive. The common enemies allowed for a sort of co-existence among them. Nowadays, people far outnumber and overpower the monsters. The Jovial Era had peacetimes which brought about civilizations and diplomacy never thought possible, but as civilizations 'round the globe seem on the brink of all-out war, it seems a new era of history is on the horizon. . .

Game style

Theater of the Mind

“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.

Recruiting notes

The plan is to have a 3-4 hour session every other week. Session 0 will be free for all players.

Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

25 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, World Builder

Additional details

How to prepare

To play the game, I would prefer a webcam, but it is not a hard requirement. Mics will be required, however. All you need besides that is a free Roll20 account and a way to access your character sheet. Digital or physical dice are both acceptable. I don't need to see every roll, I just need to know I can trust you. My rule with dice is: don't cheat. It's that simple. It's just not fun for anybody if you do. It will ruin your immersion and hurt trust at the table, so just don't. After session 0, I will send out a copy of everything that was established to everyone that joins the table. This is to have transparency and ensure that anyone that needs a reminder about our safety tools or house rules can do so without any awkward conversations.

What I provide

I will bring my excitement and preparedness on my side of the story in hopes that you can do the same! Maps! A majority of my DM style is through Theatre of the Mind, although I make many of my own custom maps through Inkarnate! Any maps I use during the session will be given to players via a handout to keep forever! Discord Community! I invite players to join my small discord server dedicated to my D&D table! I have a dice-rolling bot players can use if they do not own/want to use physical dice. I provide handouts of important letters and free digital resources for players to use, (such as character sheets). The "Lore" channel holds basic lore about the game/world that is shared to all players, but this is strictly for immersion and no "homework" is necessary at all for my games! The "Homebrew" channel also has most of my homebrew creations available for free through Google Drive links! Table Safety! Before we play, I have Table Safety forms that are meant to help me steer clear of any content you don't want to see in your game. After we play, I will invite players to participate in a short discussion about what they liked and didn't like about the session, along with what they want to see in the future. I call this process my "Roses, Thorns, & Buds." If discussions aren't your style, or you'd like to give feedback while remaining anonymous, I also have a Google Form that I send out after every session! Other Stuff! I love D&D, and sometimes it takes a little TLC to make the story exciting! In the past, I have hired artists to make custom art for important characters or locations, made custom videos for cutscenes or important session recaps, and I've even typed up documents, designed posters, and hidden secret messages you would find in-game! Campaign Organization! In the Discord, I have campaign-specific channels available for character sheets, note-taking, handouts, scheduling, and a general chat too! I will send out a google drive folder shared to all players where almost everything sent to players is organized and kept. (This is just in case Discord stops working for some reason.) I will do my best to provide other resources upon request or when it comes up. AKA, be prepared for a whole lot of google docs! :)

Gameplay details

In session 0's, you can expect to flesh out characters, discuss safety tools in open conversation, and lay out how sessions will be planned and run. After this takes place, we, of course, can continue to have open discussions about this sort of thing. At the end of the day, I want my players to feel safe telling a story together, and I will happily accommodate. If there is content you don't want to see, Session 0 or private messages are a great way discuss that before hand, no judgement, no questions.   Session 0 is a super important part of this campaign, and I want it to be treated as such. Between chapters or important story arcs, we may continue to do mini-session 0's as a sort of, "Where are we at?" kind of thing. Following session 0, I will provide a copy of what we go over to all players who were there or join afterwards. If you join after session 0, you are responsible for reading this document and getting with me before your first session if you need anything amended or added. This document will also include little house rules and things too :)

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Luxton Technique Discussion

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Characters are absolutely something that I, as the DM, *want* to play a part in. If you have a dope concept and want to fill in details, I'm here to help you with that. Before the game, I would prefer if you can have AT LEAST an idea of who you want your characters to be. Stats will be discussed during Session 0. I also have homebrew backgrounds, subclasses, and races that I have specifically designed for this campaign setting that may be given to you upon request. I will accept minimal homebrew outside of this. I do not require more than a few lines of backstory, and I incentivize further exploration of your character through a points system. A thorough backstory before session 1 may land you bonus equipment, a feat, or a custom magic item. (Will Depend on party size/strength) Between sessions, you may use these points as either inspiration or to interact with a custom game rule at my tables: Test Fate.  Anytime you want to have a chat about your character, I would love to do so either before or after sessions or over scheduled times. To be sure that I can help you out when possible, I would like a copy of your character sheet each time we level-up. I can provide you PDF copies of character sheet templates if that's your style too! There is also a doc provided as handouts to all players that should help even the newest of players ease into the process and get an idea of my reward systems.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Bi-weekly / Sunday - 11:15 PM UTC

Apr 6 / Session 25

3-4 Hour duration

4 / 6 Seats filled


Sun, Apr 06 | 11:15 PM - Session 25

Sun, Apr 20 | 11:15 PM - Session 26

Sun, May 04 | 11:15 PM - Session 27

Sun, May 18 | 11:15 PM - Session 28

Sun, Jun 01 | 11:15 PM - Session 29

Sun, Jun 15 | 11:15 PM - Session 30

Sun, Jun 29 | 11:15 PM - Session 31

Sun, Jul 13 | 11:15 PM - Session 32


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages