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DM Corgi

DM Corgi (she/they)



Women/Femme Identifying

4 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, Creativity

About me

My name is Mars (though I better respond to Corgi). I've been playing D&D 5e under the Adventurers League format since January 2018 and started running games in August that same year. I started teaching the game through in-person meetups in January 2019 and moved it online during the early stages of the pandemic back in March 2020. Long before quarantine, I've been seeing many newbies in the local scene looking to learn the game and play for the first time, but oftentimes there aren't enough GMs or veteran players available or willing to step up and cater to them. I figured that if I didn't, no one would, and so I started The Corgi Familiar. I'm relatively new overall compared to others who've been doing this even before I was born, but I hope to build my player base and experience and be better as a GM and TRPG tutor. Unfortunately I do not have a pet corgi, but when I'm ready for that responsibility, I will.

GM Style

I keep my games balanced, as all things should be, though my style is flexible enough to accommodate the group's preference, playstyle, and level of experience among other things. I'm particularly used to working with newbies, but I've also run game sessions for people who've been playing since 1st edition. I run one-shots more often than long campaigns as many people who try the game are in it for the 4-hour thrill rather than a commitment to one singular story. But I've had plenty of players come back for more one-shots after their first. When it comes to the party size, I work best with a group of 4-5 players per session where everyone gets an equal share of the spotlight. with my maximum being 7 players per session.

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