Witch-Light Wonders 🌌 PbP Duet
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Step right up, step right up for the experience of a lifetime. That’s right, the circus is back in town. Bringing you marvels from across the multiverse, all in return for a single silver coin and a teensy tiny future favour! Once every eight years the Witchlight Carnival, descends upon your world in a whirlwind of spectacle and whimsy. Its owners, Mr Witch and Mr Light know how to put on a show like no other, but something wild lurks beyond the Witchlight Carnival. 🧚 - Step inside the world of the Fae. Sometimes dark, sometimes vibrant, and often both! ⏰ - A shorter campaign than most, that will draw to a satisfying conclusion before you die of old age! So what are you waiting for? Discover the Wild Beyond the Witchlight Carnival. Discord link available on joining, with step-by-step instructions provided to get started. This game is open to all players new and old, and I’m always happy to take time to teach people how to play! ⏱ Pacing: 1 long DM post each day in the evenings (UK time), and a shorter message in the morning to reply to any @ pings. Additional replies/posts are subject to my availability throughout the day. 🎲 Virtual Table Top: I am flexible and willing to work in your preferred VTT, I have years of experience in both Foundry and Roll20 and have more recently learned how to run games in Discord via Avrae with DnD beyond. This is an inclusive table, and I tolerate no discrimination or hatred. Safety tools are in use. Please message me with any specific concerns.
Billed weekly on Wednesdays. Please note that this listing is for 1:1 single-player PBP duets, there are multiple seats but each player will play their own unique game from the start.
1 year on StartPlaying
590 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Storytelling
Average response time: 10 hours
Response rate: 100%
Additional details
How to prepare
Essential for all VTTs: 🎤 Discord with a free account. Essential For Roll20: ♟ A free account on the Roll20 website. Recommended For Roll20: 📱 The roll20 app, to access your sheet and roll dice on the go. Essential For Foundry: 🔥 A free account on the Forge website. Recommended for Foundry: 📱 DnD Beyond for, access to your sheet and to roll dice on the go. 🎲 Beyond 20 extension to roll from DnD Beyond, keeping your sheet in just one place. Essential For Theatre of the Mind: 📱 DnD Beyond for access to your sheet.
What I provide
Me, myself and I Years of experience running DnD A whole Terabyte hard drive of battlemaps, art, and other materials. Access to my compendium on roll20 with most official books purchased, I am happy to make additional purchases on request.
Gameplay details
The RPG safety checklist is linked under #start-here in my discord channel for the game. Please fill it out and send it to me before we play. I assign 10-15 minutes after live games for a group or private chat for any concerns, wishes or other topics. Outside of live games I am happy to arrange private meetings as required. I encourage players to message me and stars and wishes.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Debriefing
• Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work
Starting level 1, using 27 point buy to create characters, all core Faerun material is allowed and available through my roll20 compendium (Xanathar’s, Tasha’s, Player’s handbook). Non-Faerun material such as Strixhaven or third party content is subject to approval.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Discord
• Text/Play by Post
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Tuesday - 12:00 PM UTC
Apr 1 / Session 25
3-3 Hour duration
1 / 2 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+