Sandman Dreams (he/him)
2 years on StartPlaying
39 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling
About me
I am an enthusiastic GM who has played for 34 years and GMed for 33 now. Along these years, I was lucky enough to be able to try a huge variety of systems and games. I am a teacher and I have GMed a wide range of ages, from children to grown adults. I love to run games for them and for people who has never known about role playing games, and I really love to see their reactions when facing this for the first time! :) Therefore, experience is welcome, but also no-experience is so!! All are welcome!! :) Do you want to improve your Spanish with a fully inmersive Spanish-run game? ¿Eres hispanohablante y quieres jugar en tu idioma? I am your Spanish Game Master! Do not hesitate and request a game! :D
GM Style
I have a very creative GM style. My best strength is the ability to improvise over players' actions (no matters how unexpected they are! :D) and create new content on the way, while maintaining the links to the plot and the thread of the story that's being told! I always try to maintain the balance between roleplaying and system/rule following; nevertheless, I tend to focus on roleplaying and the years I've been GMing have taught me to adapt the rules to fit the adventures I run (in a sort of homebrew adaptation), however, I never elude the opportunity to set up a good tactical and challenging combat! I usually enjoy acting as NPC and giving all of them a personal, distinctive feature, voice or particularity. My games are safe and inclusive: everyone is welcome and treated equally, no one is allowed to be rude to other people and I love creating immersive environments that will bring all of you exciting experiences and unforgettable moments that you will remember years later! Because that's why we play! ;D Tengo un estilo de narración muy creativo. Mi punto fuerte es la habilidad de improvisar sobre las acciones de los personajes (¡no importa cuán inesperadas sean! :D) y crear nuevo contenido sobre la marcha, ¡mientras mantengo todo enlazado con la trama y sigo el hilo de la historia que se está contando! Siempre trato de mantener un equilibrio entre el roleo y la aplicación de las reglas y el sistema; no obstante, tiendo a focalizarme en el roleo y los años que llevo narrando me han enseñado a adaptar las reglas para que encajen con cada aventura que dirijo (modificando las reglas según sea el caso), sin embargo, ¡tampoco eludo nunca la oportunidad de montar un buen combate táctico y desafiante! Suelo disfrutar actuando como los PNJ y dotándolos a todos de alguna particularidad, voz o rasgo distintivo. Mis juegos son seguros e inclusivos: todo el mundo es bienvenido y tratado por igual, no se permite que nadie sea maleducado con otra persona y ¡me encanta crear entornos inmersivos que os brindarán experiencias emocionantes y momentos inolvidables que recordaréis años después! ¡Porque por eso jugamos! ;D
Games played
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