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Rob McNeill

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Rule of Cool

About me

Hey there! I'm Rob, I live in Oklahoma, and my energy and love for running games and telling stories will be contagious. I've been playing TTRPGs for well over 20 years, starting with AD&D and now Pathfinder 2e. As fate would have it I picked up the Dungeon Masters Guide and have been GM'ing games for groups of friends everywhere I go for decades. Running games for as long as I have has provided me a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with my table. I've always admired TTRPGs and what they do for people, no matter who they are or where they come from. The ability to create characters that are larger than life, and tell fantastic stories with like minded people is something that everyone should be able to enjoy. I'm patient, laidback, and accepting of everyone, and intolerance of any kind just won't be acceptable. I'm open and approachable and love to help my players in any way that I can. Finally, and most important is to make sure everyone has fun, memorable and safe space to play and let their Geek flag fly!

GM style

The GMs job is to create a fun and exciting story, and I've evolved my style to reflect just that. My aim is to fill the world with colorful NPCs, allies and enemies alike. I love voices, accents, one-liners, and enemies that trash talk (because talking is always a free action!). I keep combat exciting and engaging. Pathfinder 2e is a game centered around teamwork and tactical thinking is paramount and makes all the difference as to how things play out, so I embody that. I can be as graphic or as mild as you want me to be with combat descriptions and scenery. I have very few limits personally, I am a child of the 80's and 90's and have been desensitized to all manor of gore and violence. And that is something that we would all go over in session 0 as a group. I tend to stick to RAW (Rules As Written) but I'm always open to RAI (Rules As Interpreted) in terms of game mechanics. However, I have the ability to make quick and strong choices when the rules aren't as clear as they should be. That being said, I'm not always ridged with the rules and am willing to sacrifice rules for cinematic value when appropriate. I love when players are able to pull off those bright ideas and epic moments. I will include character background; fears, joys, dreams, and regrets will all play into the story. I encourage players to immerse themselves in the story and the wonderful world of Golarion. APs and Adventures are just guidelines as far as I'm concerned. Let's make these adventures our own!

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