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Ryan Wallage

Ryan Wallage (he/they)

2 years on StartPlaying

About me

I started when I built my own engine from scratch. I had barley ever heard of D&D at the time let alone read a rule book, but I dived head first into running my own custom built campaign. It was a mess. The rules didn't work at all, I had so many players, I was keeping track of way more then I had to, but we had fun. I've heard alot since then, and im exited to keep learning. This game is about making memories and telling stories, and that what in here for. I have a custom built world called Andora, the history and the gods might be different from what you know but it all still runs 5th edition. Lore can be provided during game prep and session zero. If you want to know more about my world before hand I'd be happy to explain as much as you like. The broad strokes are its high fantasy, I use alot of custom magic items, (mostly stuff I think would be cool to use as a player) and I run a pretty relaxed game. The risk of character death in my games is low but never 0. I have custom rules I run at my table. Namely something I call fate points. I use them in every game but this is how they work in 5th edition. You start a campaign with 2 fate points. A fate point can be eather spent or burnt. Spending a fate point will let you roll another D20 and add it to your roll. If you spend a fate point you forfeit any chance of critical success, and the numbers add up normally. Spending a fate point is not restricted to D20 rolls and can be used at any time with GM approval. A spent fate point returns upon long rest unless in down time, at witch point it will revert to once per session. The conditions of spending a fate point must be approved by the GM before being ratified in game Burning a fate point allows for an "automatic success" at the cost of that fate point be gone permanently. when burning a fate point the player must choose any unspent fate points first. The conditions of burning a fate point must be approved by the GM before being ratified in game. Fate points can be handed out by the GM as rewards.

GM Style

Light hatred and fun, but I do NOT tolerate hate speech and bigotry. Please don't make other players uncomfortable.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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