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Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

About me

Howdy, I’m Panda! Like many of us I started off running 5e, but quickly fell in love with FitD & have since transferred mostly to that system. I’ve run multiple long term campaigns, the longest of which were 2 Blades in the Dark campaigns, each running 35-40 sessions over a year. With a preference for Forged in the Dark games, I do tend to focus more on RP but I strive to provide action oriented, dynamic game worlds, that feel both adaptive & lived in.

GM Style

Generally speaking I’m a big fan of weighty RP over crunchy combat. Focusing much more on the impacts characters have on the world and each other than slice of life interactions. I’m a huge fan of world/lore building, particularly focused around the Faction game in Blades and spend a lot of time working on my tabletops. Most games tend to have a cinematic focus, your PCs are the stars of a gripping crime drama after all. I am also a notorious “Yes, and…”er, who does my best to always be in the players corner while laying out interesting complications or entanglements.

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