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Loremistress LadyBug
Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

71 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Teacher, Visual Aid

About me

I've been a TTRPG player for about 14 years, and a DM for about 5-6. I am currently recording some of my campaigns which will be published on my YouTube channel LadyBug's Tavern! I am all for rule of cool (except when it really doesn't make any sense). I DM Dungeons and Dragons 5e, The One Ring 1e (have to finally sit down to get to know 2e) and various things (mostly mureder mystery with or without magic and supernatural stuff in the world) on modfied Fate mechanic. What I love about playing ttrpgs is telling stories with other people, that are always an absolute blast, and let people express themselves in most amazing ways. If I was to say what makes me special as a GM... that would be maybe the fact, that I'm a weird hybrid of someone who first learned ttrpgs from old school gamers, then fell into a well of newer players and now mixes both those things XD I definitely bring to the table an abundant amount of visuals - I am aphantasiac, which means my imagination doesn't do images. That means I have to have visuals to know what something looks like. And if I can't find proper visuals I will make them myself (I draw and make maps) I'm trying to keep a balance between RP, combat and puzzles - depending on the game of course. My Fate based murder mysteries have almost zero combat, One Ring has that balance kinda built in, and then I balance in DnD. I am definitely more Rule of Cool then RAW kind of DM, however within reason. A natural 20 does not kill an ancient dragon at full health no matter what crazy thing you decided to do to get there XD For One Ring I usually go with modules, cause the published ones are actually great. For DnD I enjoy a bit of worldbuilding - which is part of why my main setting for it is Domains of Dread, For my Fate based Murder Mystery I go with worldbuilding-ish approach - it is usually set in a parallel world version of 1920s England :D

GM style

Depending on the game - my DnD tends to have more of a balance between roleplay and combat, One Ring kinda has that balance already incorporated into the game, and my Fate games are mostly roleplay since it ain't that easy doing combat on Fate ;)


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