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3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

About me

My name is William and I love running games. Honestly, I just want to play. I love running a game and seeing where the story takes us. I have been working on my own campaign setting and am looking forward to sharing it with others. I found D&D in the 8th grade and it did not take long for me to fall in love with the game. I have played pretty much ever since with different DMs and have learned from all of them. If you are interested in my campaign you are free to read it. Limited spoilers for anyone from the city and only a few locations for outsiders. Nothing to be concerned about. If you come across something that says stop reading I have warned you. On occasion, I have work in progress that I need to move to a private page.

GM Style

I like to run theater of the mind-style games with a balance of RPG and combat. I like to focus on the specifics of the character's background and history to allow the story to flow from who the characters are and where they have come from. If you're a bunch of scoundrels your adventure may start under the watchful eye of the thieves guild. If you are a group of academics you might start your day in the mage tower. Or you might be a group of goblins living on the edge of the city trying to survive another night. As long as the game is fun and a good time is had by all what more could I hope for. I was asked by a player why I don't use a VTT? Honestly, I find them limiting. Players can move throughout my world without being locked into a map. Sure I might throw a map up online or an image on discord but I find our imaginations are so much more powerful when given the freedom to move about a living world that can change with the roll of a dice and the whims of the players.

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