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Paul Zinke

Paul Zinke (he/him)




4 years on StartPlaying

271 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Knows the Rules

About me

Hello! I have been immersed in the joy of stories and RPGs for over 30 years now. I've played and run in many systems including D&D, Amazing Tales, Fate, Rifts, World of Darkness, Star Wars, Savage Worlds, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Numinera, Cypher System, and many others. I've used online VTTs extensively for over 10 years. I have been blessed to share amazing experiences with people from all walks of life and styles of play. I make sure that our game is inclusive and fun! As an educator working with middle and high school students I have worked with dozens of new players of every age from 5 to 65 and have had the honor of running for many long-time players as well. Let's see where our journey takes us next!

GM Style

I've run and enjoy a wide variety of playing styles and systems. Most of the stories I've run hold a pretty well-rounded mix of the 3 pillars of D&D 5th edition; roleplaying, exploration, and combat. With a good dose of old-school creativity. Inclusivity is very important to me and my games are a safe space for people from all walks of life; from players that are brand new to rpgs, to multicultural, to LGBTQ+. There is always a place for everyone and harassment is never tolerated. I have a solid proficiency of the rule systems and follow them consistently, but feel the most important rule for my players is the Rule of Cool. The flow of the story is more important than looking up details in a book. Combat and confrontations are better when they're fast and furious. As a storyteller I place high value on player advocacy, where player's choices and consequences matter in the story. The immersion of the experience is paramount in its importance and I can help players to get the most from their time in our story. From character voices to ambient music to special handouts, drawn maps and vivid descriptions to help make a memorable session. One other important note is that I have a strong proficiency with VTTs like Roll20, Foundry, & Owlbear Rodeo. I have run many theater of the mind sessions where those platforms were not needed. My players don't need to know much about the technological side of our sessions, but I feel as a facilitator it is important for me to know how to fully utilize those platforms for the best player experience.

Game platforms used
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