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Alex (he/him)

Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Hello my dudes and dudettes, I am a big WoD guy been running some flavor of the World of Darkness for almost a decade mostly VtM or MtA, Mage being my favorite and my players favorite for me to run seeing as adult live makes gaming in person a pain I decided to check this out I hope to see you in the World of Darkness.

GM Style

Very role-playing and story heavy, I have had many sessions where we didn't even touch the dice. Also if provided the materials books and what not I will give running most if not any game a shot.

Game platforms used
What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.

  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.