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Max Crashington

Max Crashington (he/him)



2 years on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Voices, Sets the Mood

About me

Some say that the best RPG GMs and storytellers are the ones that paint a vivid, relatable and fantastic world for their players to experience and explore. Others say that the best GMs and storytellers are the ones that only provide enough of an outline for their players to fill in the rest. Personally, I have no idea what makes the best GM or storyteller because I have no aim to be the 'best'. My goal as a storyteller for your games is to strike a good balance between both while ensuring that my players are having a great time whilst feeling safe and welcome. I'd like to guide you into strange places that you perhaps haven't experienced yet, places often unusual, dark and sometimes horrifying, wonderous and strange. (And honestly, sometimes just plain goofy and humorous) As your GM, its my honor to ensure your comfort, enjoyment and engagement with the story we will tell while gathered together. Join me to.. - Explore the brutal lands of the Three Kingdoms while the world around you slowly comes to an end. Kill monsters, gather treasure, and die in MÖRK BORG - Walk the glowing neon streets stained with ash, blood and nanites in the dying city of Cy as a bottom-rung street scum with a chance for glory (more likely death) in Cy_bÖrg - Discover the blasphemous truth of humanity and beyond while exploring long-forgotten horrors and confronting occult and isoteric terrors in Kult - Divinity Lost - Stalk the city streets by night as a hidden monster blending in with humanity while navigating the politics of other ancient monsters in the World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Wraith, Mage..) - Navigate through noble politics, espionage, prophecy and treachery as a Noble House of the Landsraad. Control the ever-coveted Spice of Arrakis while avoiding traps and treachery in Dune - Adventures in the Imperium - Survive terrors on distant planets, in orbit around far away stars or in the bleak, uncaring void of space in Alien, Mothership and Death in Space - And more (Wait.. more?... I don't know if I could do more.. seriously?.. wait, what do you mean if I say I can do more I have an excuse to get more books? ... no no no I heard you but like.. how many books are we talking ab.. HOW MANY??? ohh baby yessss) - AND MORE!!!! (I mean, probably. Lookit, I'm open minded to other systems and setting but just give me a bit to see if I can be sold on them)

GM Style

- deep, dynamic roleplay with varied, relatable and memorable NPCs - improv, player-inclusive world building - great with character voices - high drama with unexpected plot twists and unseen complications - great moments of apprehension, tension, anticipation, terror and horror - great moments of heroics, humour, victory, wholesomeness and joy - fart jokes, butt jokes, burp jokes (further darker, bleaker and grosser humor is available upon request) - my players are important to me, the stars of the show. I might not make things easy for your characters, but I'll aim to make sure the struggles make a good story.

Game platforms used
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