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2 years on StartPlaying

9 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, World Builder

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Hi! I'm softservebl but my friends call me Joe! I've been involved with ttrpgs since the mid 2010s and have been a GM for the past several years. GMing is what gets me through the otherwise monotonous drone of my life and I always relish the chance to create something fun and unique for those that sit at the table with me. I love multiple systems but have recently found my home with Pathfinder 2e as my main system to run. If you ever wanna try something a little more obscure I am 100% down to run it! My first character I played where I finally understood my style of playing was Henri Riberi a half orc sorcerer who just wanted to be loved by his elder brother and through pestering him for the campaign made some friends along the way.

GM style

I actively root for my players to succeed and yet I sure as heck won't make it easy to do so. The best victories come from being challenged and pushed beyond your limits and that's what Iook to bring to the table. Then there's the side of me that just wants to see what absolutely insane things people can come up with and finding ways to make those fringe ideas into a reality. I want to be able to produce joy at my table and see/hear the smiles coming off of player's faces as we all get into some dumb hijinks and unforgettable moments. Lets have fun and do stupid stuff together!

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