World Talam

World Talam

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

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  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Everyone has their own version of how the world was created. It really depends on who you talk to and what faith they are. Followers of the Dawn Father and many like it speak about BoB being sculpt out of the stars, created to become a Void Titan, but the titan just stopped growing. What did grow was the creatures that live here now. Others believe that we just formed here. After years of research and travel, i have learned the truth about our past The world was in dismay, people killing people, brothers killing brothers, but this wasn't the world we live on now. The former home of human was advanice, able to harm with little effort. There was a massive world war that the humans ended up destroying the maternal plane they lived on. Great explosions covered the surface all humans were vaporized. Except one group, one person gathered as many humans that were not involved in the war, and took to the stars and into the void. Long after the first captain of this void vessel passed on, and the old world was forgotten, the survivors landed on their new home, they call this new place BoB, after the man who saved their life. Shortly after landing on this new world, some people felt some changes, some became friendly with the strange and some familiar creatures and plants, Eventually gaining the ability to speak and command them, even later learning the beast ways so much being able to turn into one. Others felt power seeping out of their blood, becoming able to manipulate matter around them to set off power full explosions or create ice out of midair. A few began to hear the word of gods both good and bad, these gods granting abilities to those that were faithful. Lately some were jealous of the magic some can do, so they began to study and also be able to match the power of some. Along with magic, mutations began to in a few humans, turning some into what we now know as elves, dwarves, gnomes, orcs, etc. Some being able to live longer than others. Three thousand years after the humans landed, magic was thriving, and every one was living along well. Attempts to search the storm that was in the center of Trade ocean, a storm that has been around since the beginning, as far as the history books say. But one day it just disappeared, shortly after devils and demons pledged the cities all over, fighting each other and the races that lived in those kingdoms. 100 years of this fighting and all of a sudden the devils left, and a booming infernal voice forced the demons back in their plan. To this day no one really knows what happened. The council that there was during the war ended up disbanding and the kingdoms separating because they couldn't agree on what to do to move forward. The high elf king basically banished all other kings and other races, warning them “if we can’t agree on a way to protect us all, then I will only protect my own, this is a warning, set foot in my kingdom, there will be consequences.” This almost starting another war, though a few battles here and there happened nothing that was land conquering. 1000 years after, new kings and queens agreed that fully opening their kingdoms might not be a good idea but they were open enough that those traveling and adventuring may be able to rest their heads and find some local jobs. There is also an island where the once forever storm was, believed to be the source of the devils, only because that is where the tiefling race began to form. This is a brief history on what I have research and confirm to be facts. Further development and this will grow with more research. For now I must go adventure for find more historical writings and artifacts. -X

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

have a mic, roll20, and discord, rest is up to the player

What I provide

dice, maps, and fun

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

4d6drop lowest, 7 times

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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