Wind and Shadow, The Storms of Vesi and Veri

Wind and Shadow, The Storms of Vesi and Veri

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on D&D Beyond, Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

I am launching a new campaign in the world I have created called Tuul ja Vari. Tuul ja Vari is a high fantasy, open world, which will give the party a chance to build some really great stories. My DM ethos summed up simply is ‘collaboration’. D&D is fun because a group of people works together to build a fun and exciting story. My job is to provide the stage and the constraints on the story, your job is to move the story forward. I am not the players’ enemy, but I do think the game is more fun when the stakes are real. Do something stupid? Pay the penalty. Outsmart me and find a better way to do things? Kudos to you. I also won’t adjust my plans to ‘beat’ your ideas. I will adjust to ensure there is a challenge, but I want things to feel ‘real’ while still getting to kill a dragon. For a collaborative environment to function there must be trust and respect between all players at the table. I will not tolerate any abuse or disrespect between players. I run an open and inclusive table and if at any point someone feels they didn’t have that, then I dropped the ball. To that end, I’ll ask each player to fill out a consent in-gaming form before we start. Also, that doesn’t mean I’m not open to pushing things. I will allow characters to steal from each other and to PPV each other but only with explicit approval from the other players in advance. As my old WoW guild master used to say, “The treasure and monsters are fake. The only real thing here is the other players.” I’m open to any type of game that people want to play. A big sprawling world-saving adventure? Awesome. A small, tight political thriller? Cool. Lots of RP? Love it. Combat and Dungeons? Totally. My goal is that we can come to a consensus on what sort of game we want before session 0 so that everyone knows what they are going to get and what they are paying for. You can check out more about my world here This will be a paid game, $10 per session per player, mostly because I believe having some stake in the game keeps people involved. I will use the proceeds of the game to reinvest in the game to ensure people feel they get their money’s worth. Finally, I believe in the ‘rule of cool’ and ‘shoot the monk’. If you’ve got a cool idea or backstory, I’ll do my best to include it. If you get a trinket that stops magic missiles, you better believe someone is going to shoot at you. If this sounds like fun, please introduce yourself. Tell me a little about the character you want to play and more importantly, tell me something about you. Share some background and maybe one of your favorite DnD memories. Failing that, maybe one of your favorite hobbies. Thanks for reading

3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, World Builder

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need a mic that works. They'll need a discord account as well as a roll20 and D&D Beyond accounts. I'll cover everything else. Once character creation is done, there should be little prep work. Hopefully, you'll take the time to learn your character but if you have questions I'll be more than happy to help you work through them so you can enjoy the game. No shame in asking for help, ever.

What I provide

I will provide access to all the books, I'll have the maps and the story ideas

Gameplay details

Players can expect a fun, collaborative game. For a collaborative environment to function there must be trust and respect between all players at the table. I will not tolerate any abuse or disrespect between players. I run an open and inclusive table and if at any point someone feels they didn’t have that, then I dropped the ball. To that end, I’ll ask each player to fill out a consent in-gaming form before we start. Also, that doesn’t mean I’m not open to pushing things. I will allow characters to steal from each other and to PPV each other but only with explicit approval from the other players in advance. As my old WoW guild master used to say, “The treasure and monsters are fake. The only real thing here is the other players.” In session zero, we'll go over a consent-in-gaming form as well as a conversation about lines and veils as well as debriefs. I'm very open to feedback and if I make a mistake I will take steps to fix it. We are all, always learning.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Character creation will be collaborative. I want to work with you to ensure you have a fun character that fits in the world. If you want to do a bunch beforehand, that's fine. If you only want to do a little, that's fine too. You will have to do at least a little character creation to make the story work. We use a group roll for stats so everyone has the same numbers, it is just up to you how they are applied.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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