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Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Are you looking to escape from reality? To find, no, lose yourself in another world? Want to find out all the intricacies about a place that resides only within your mind? Well, you and a few like minded others might just be exactly what the world of Ein needs. Welcome home, adventurers.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players should make sure that they have a D&D Beyond account, access to a microphone and webcam (webcam optional), and the Discord app installed on either their computer, tablet, or smartphone.

What I provide

If virtual: all players are expected to use their own physical or digital dice (if digital please use D&D Beyond). Campaign resources such as maps will be shared via share screen and or fileshare. If in person: dice will be available to all players, paper and pencil character sheets are allowed, snacks will be provided, maps on the table.

Gameplay details

Players can expect a normal pace, role-play encouraging, and combat containing campaign. One can expect to be able to move fully in a highly detailed, and complex world. One can expect themes of political intrigue, high magic, and all sorts of fantasy fun. This is an 18+ game so expect 18+ themes, however, there will never be themes or tones that are not OK with EVERY member of the party. I.e. if a player is uncomfortable with the theme of torture, then the theme of torture will be removed from the game world to accommodate that player, or that player may choose to leave the campaign if accommodations are not to their satisfaction. Please express in the pre-game session(s) if you have any themes you'd like excluded from your gaming experience. And if it comes up after the pre-game session(s), its not a problem, we will adjust and move forward! We follow the golden rule at my table: have fun. That being said, it is never the rule to have fun at the expense of others, therefore if I notice and address a behavior with you that is causing a worse experience for another player, and you do not change your way-of-play, then you will be removed from the game. There will be as many pre-game sessions as needed, first is free of charge, and 1 usually does it. If the party decides that they want individual 1on1 character building sessions, that too will be provided free of charge. Again, only the first character building session will be free of charge, whether those are split up individually or if players do it in a group. The only downside to doing it individually is delaying the first real play session, but that is totally fine with me. After each session, the players will be free to debrief with the GM and rest of the party for however long after the session, depending on GM's availability, this is included in the price of the session. This is also a time to express highlights and wants for future sessions. This time is your time to talk about anything related to the game play experience that added to it or took away, so please use it. Quick and final disclaimer. Please, as much as is possible, leave your personal lives, politics, and views away from the table. This is an escape, I don't want you or the other players to feel bogged down by your real-life while sitting at my table. That being said, if your real life issues/opinions become a problem to other party members including myself, you may be asked to find a different adventuring party. Thank you!

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Characters will start at level 2. They will be created with assistance and input from the GM in a pregame session before the start of the campaign.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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