WBW-DC-DOBU-01-01 The Little Wish

WBW-DC-DOBU-01-01 The Little Wish

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Little Wish is a puzzle-solving adventure inspired by an article of the same name published in Dragon Magazine, Issue 221. From the module: In ages past, there were two spells in the multiverse that would do almost anything you wanted. While Wish still exists, the other is gone…except in this world. Now, by harnessing fragments of this ancient spell, you must stop a madman’s cursed machine and save Mother Nature. A four-hour Dungeons & Dragons (5e) adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 2. SPECIAL NOTES: 1) This will be an Adventurers League session. If you would like a new 1st level character sheet, one can be provided. If you are bringing a character that's 2nd level or higher, please be ready to provide your character log sheet. We want everyone to get the most out of each game, and abiding by the AL rules ensures the legitimacy of all of our characters. 2) This is an author-run session. I am the author of this module. Any feedback on the module will be considered in future modules. I hope you enjoy it!

DMs Guild Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

No physical character sheets are required, and no dice are required. All dice rolls will be done in Roll20 for transparency; during the game, you will generally see the DM dice rolls as well (I tend to do public rolls). I do not use video at the table, so no webcam is required. You will need a microphone. Headphones with a microphone are preferred as they reduce background noise/feedback/etc., but are not required.

What I provide

Everything that I will be bringing to the game will be in the virtual environment. All handouts will be handled through Roll20.

Gameplay details

NATURE OF THE ADVENTURE: Players can expect a puzzle-solving adventure. If you're looking for heavy combat, this is not the adventure for you. REGARDING PUZZLES: These puzzles rely on character knowledge, not player knowledge. This module does not require you to solve logic puzzles, work out math problems, apply knowledge of D&D lore, or anything like that. If you're thinking in video game terms, think less "Professor Layton" and more "Secret of Monkey Island." DURATION: This is a 4-hour adventure, and I will generally work to keep us to that time window. SAFETY TOOLS: Safety tools include basic X, N and O cards. In addition to the cards, you can message me through DM on Discord. We will discuss the process during the Session 0 introduction. Expect at least one break at around the 2-hour point. We can take more breaks, as needed. Other rules at my table/VTT: 1) Game format and log sheets - This is an AL adventure with AL rules. If your character is above 1st level or has anything that must be logged (e.g., Service awards), I will need to see your logs. Please DM me the log information; links to online logs are fine, as are pictures of the log sheets. 2) No surprises - I play by rules-as-written (RAW) to the letter as much as possible, with rules-as-intended (RAI) generally determined by Sage Advice. If RAW creates a situation that seems strange or unintuitive in the real world but works as a game mechanic, RAW wins. I do this to give a predictable universe and to let people have the cool toys that the rules allow for. In return, if you have a strange interaction that you rely on for your character build, I ask that you please let me know in advance. If your build works by RAW, it probably won't be a problem, but the time to find out is before the adventure. I don't take an antagonistic approach to DMing; I'm guiding your characters through an experience, not trying to defeat you on the battlefield. Yes, there will be challenges, but I am not here to fight against you or to metagame the enemy's responses based on the things I hear you describe about your strategy. So please be transparent about what it is you are trying to do; Even if it doesn't work the way you want it to, I can often provide guidance on how to make it work within the rules. 3) Use character names and pronouns from the start - When we begin the session, I will ask you to change your name in Roll20 to your character's name and pronouns. Throughout the adventure, even if you know the other players at the table, please refer to each other only by character names and pronouns. When describing what your character is doing, if you start with your character's name in the third person (i.e., "Tormax does XYZ"), it makes it much easier for the other players and the DM to know who is talking. 4) Absolutely no PVP allowed at the table - This is a hard and fast rule at my table. No PVP. None. PVP (player vs player) occurs when a character behaves antagonistically or aggressively toward another character. In AL adventures, we're working together toward a common cause. If you're playing a paladin who finds the party necromancer's use of "Animate Dead" to be reprehensible, you're going to have to figure out how you're going to work together to achieve a common goal. There may be instances of spells and abilities affecting other characters with consent. For example, if a wizard wants to cast a fireball to wipe out a group of enemies, but there's no way to exclude the fighter, the fighter can consent to taking the fireball damage. You're a team; work those things out. Under no circumstances should PCs be attacking, robbing, trapping, pranking, or otherwise antagonizing other PCs during normal play. This should be an extremely easy rule to follow; if you have any questions about this, we can discuss it further during session 0. 5) Let's start on time - If you can have your character ready before the start of the game, it will be very helpful. Imports are turned on in the game, so feel free to import from your character vault. I've also included some blank character sheets for those who need to create their characters by hand (including one that uses charactermancer). Just claim one when you get in and fill in your character information. If you need more, let me know.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

The game will be played in Roll20, a VTT engine that runs in the browser. If you have a character sheet in your character vault already in Roll20, you will be able to import it to the game. I would appreciate if your characters can be ready to start before the game. In addition, I will have blank character sheets that you can claim and edit in Roll20; if you would like to add your character's information to one of those, that is fine.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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