WANTED!  Brave, Sturdy, and Ingenious Folk Seeking Adventure! - CANDLEKEEP MYSTERIES - D&D 5E - Fantasy Grounds Unity

WANTED! Brave, Sturdy, and Ingenious Folk Seeking Adventure! - CANDLEKEEP MYSTERIES - D&D 5E - Fantasy Grounds Unity

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Fantasy Grounds, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Candlekeep attracts scholars like a flame attracts moths. Historians, sages, and others who crave knowledge flock to this library fortress to peruse its vast collection of books, scribbled into which are the answers to the mysteries that bedevil them. Many of these books contain their own mysteries—each one a doorway to adventure. Dare you cross that threshold? Will you answer the call to aid the sages with the "Candlekeep Mysteries"? Our game will be held on the “Fantasy Grounds Unity” Virtual Tabletop. You will need to download the FREE version of Fantasy Grounds Unity. I as the DM will provide all of the game information and D&D rule sets needed for our game through my license. When you log into our first game session, you will have full access to everything you need including digital dice. Our sessions together will provide you with instruction as to how to use Fantasy Grounds. It is quite easy to operate and makes navigating the D&D rules a breeze. Go to fantasygrounds.com to find the download page. Select the “I’m a Player” tab then scroll down until you see the license choice “Free Demo”. Download and set it up. Players will start at level 1. Character creation will happen on our first meeting "Session 0".


2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

1. You must have installed the FREE demo version of Fantasy Grounds Unity and be able to navigate the login procedure. 2. You must have a Discord Account and be familiar with how to use it. 3. This is a roleplaying game so it would help you feel like your character is unique if you think of a brief backstory to start from. "A traveling elven wine merchant that is willing to fight to protect his family honor, a half-orc gladiator that recently won her freedom, a human healer with a short temper and a gambling habit". The sky is the limit. Just think over some interest ideas we can make come alive in your character. 4. Bring your imagination and some patience.

What I provide

I will provide you with instruction on how to play Dungeons and Dragons 5E. You will also be coached in how to use the Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT. You will be provided everything you need to play the game. You can expect music to be a big part of our sessions. I am not a "sage of D&D rule knowledge" or an authority on Fantasy Grounds or Roleplaying. However, I will bring patience, humor, understanding, and game sessions that are fully prepared every time. I love this stuff. Dungeons and Dragons has been a major part of my life for such a long time. I am thrilled to share it with you. I hope to make our play exciting and memorable for everyone.

Gameplay details

During our Session 0, we will establish guidelines and boundaries concerning the topics and situations that may appear in our roleplaying and gaming. This gaming activity is meant for fun and escapism. Purely entertainment. If our group is exploring any topic that makes a player feel uncomfortable, please let me know and it will be halted. We will informally debrief after each session.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will begin at level 1. Players may use the standard array or point buy (27) methods. We will do this together at the Session 0 in our first meeting. Pregenetated characters are available.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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