The Underwatch: Free Version

The Underwatch: Free Version

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"You hear a latch shut behind you, a feeling akin to dread might have certainly followed but it is nothing you wouldn't have been prepared for; now you're stuck down here, meant not to return until your long 4 hour patrol is complete. Steel yourselves with courage, lest the darkness swallow your spirit and snatch your breath. It is time for the Underwatch"* Welcome all ye scoundrels, vagabonds, and anti-heroes to The Underwatch. The Underwatch is a loose session by session style campaign focusing on the exploits of a branch of the Blackwall City Guard called the Underwatch; the Underwatch patrol the vast sewer system beneath the city on various types of missions, sometimes simple search and destroy or full blown investigations it depends simply on the job. There are all manner of horrors that can be found in the dark reaches beneath the streets, from Ratkin to Dark Cultists, to much more sinister creatures. Your characters will be embarking during the infamous Doom Shift which means one of three things; either your characters are fundamentally unemployable anywhere else, are being punished for high crimes against the state, or you have a Deathwish. At any rate, the pay is reasonably worth the risk... most of the time. -The Underwatch plays in similar fashion to games such as Mordhau: City of the Damned or Darkest Dungeon. You are part of a 4 person group of loosely connected individuals utilizing your skills in a matter befitting your nature. You aren't the *good* guys, you're the necessary guys. You're only asked to get down there, crack some skulls, loot some corpses, solve any mysteries that need solving, and get the hell out. After that you can busy yourself with whatever R&R is befitting of your character, whether that be drinking, gambling (I have games ready just for the occasion), dancing, or shagging some tavern floozies. As you can imagine, combat does definitely play a big role in this game, but the most important rewards (such as Inspiration) will be given typically through RP. Madness and Lingering Wounds are also at play which will require treatments to quell, lest your character be afflicted in the middle of an inopportune situation. -The way that this translates to anyone looking to play is simple; you post your character application, you get invited, you make your character, and when the session is done you can retire your character, say you had fun, and never play again, OR if you enjoyed yourself and want to have another then refer to the next paragraph. -There will be two versions of this game, this version which is free to try once for everyone, and the version that must be paid for to play. If you had fun and wish to return to the game, you must (unfortunately) pay for it. Otherwise the first try is free for everyone. -These sessions can be any day people are most available (including myself) and typically go on for 4.5 hours. This model is meant to be loose, easy to pick up, and easy to play whenever we want. In that way you might say it is somewhat like a Westmarches campaign, but I am the sole DM. The Patrol -The conditions for each Underwatch Patrol will be determined based on a series of factors, those being >The weather >The time of the year >The location in the city >The results of the previous patrol Some sessions may loosely overlap, and for that reason previous patrollers may leave gifts, or sage advice for those coming into the next session. In the case that you die in your adventure, new patrols may even find your corpse, or your "corpse" if you catch my meaning. The point is that whilst this game is meant to be ease of access and loose, there are mechanics available to encourage teamwork even past the point of individual sessions. Headquarters -Whilst your characters are not out on patrol or sleeping in whatever inn or flophouse you can find, you're at HQ preparing to embark, here at HQ there is all manner of goods and items you can acquire to help you on your journey. They vary from consumables, to weapons, to magic items, to anything you need to be as effective as possible. Likewise you can head off to the nearby tavern, The Pale Maiden for whatever comforts suit your needs. This area is where the game's cycle reaches its zenith, as its here that you spend your wages getting better at your jobs.




3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

To prepare you should have an account on as well as a Discord, good internet, a good microphone, as well as a quiet place to play are strongly preferred. Webcams will not be necessary at all. A solid understanding of 5th Edition D&D and on how to use Roll20 would be strongly preferred.

What I provide

My skills and award winning smile! In all seriousness I'd love to become good enough at this to where I can give you something to remember me by, one day I promise.

Gameplay details

There are many tales of horror and mystery to be told about the "Bowels of Blackwall". Some say that the massive sewer system was built atop a long forgotten labyrinth, others say that it was the work of Mad Dwarves. Whatever the case may be, it is the perfect hiding spot for all kinds of wretched creatures, some of which like to emerge from their hovels and wreck havoc on the surface. When that happens the Underwatch are called in to cull the scum. Expect a lot of exploration, combat, and mystery as sometimes the threats within this area are not always easy to take care of.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Standard Array for stats You will be level 5 throughout this game, and we can create them together. You will also begin with 2 Uncommon Magic Items of your choice, barring the ones that provide the ability to fly In terms of races, class options, and etc, whatever it is you wish to pick simply consult the DM (me) and I will tell you if it is allowed. Everyone will also start with a Feat, and for that reason I have an alternate version of Variant Human that you can use.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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