The Tax Collector

The Tax Collector

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on ...

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 4.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session


About the adventure

A chill in the air brushes your face as you step outside of your thatched home to a gloomy day. It seems gloomy days have been more common lately in the village of Caorann. You are abruptly met by the village reeve Sratun, who warns you have one more day to pay taxes to the Noble, Count Rentros. Count Rentros has not been seen in a few years, however, the taxes continue to increase. No one is certain why there has been such a long absence of the Count. His soldiers and reeve Stratun patrol Caorann like a dictatorship. With no regard or concern for the poor, Stratun enforces tax collection with a grievous and disdainful attitude. He has fattened up so much it is as though he is using ill-gotten taxes to fund his gluttony. Yet there seems to be something more sinister brewing. It is cold and dreary as you cross the village square to enter Mafta’s pub to warm up, where you meet your fellow adventurers. An argument is brewing at a corner table as you listen quietly. You hear a cloaked man with a gruffy voice say “The count is cursed; I’ve told you a hundred times now. But you will not believe me!” “Keep it down. There are lots of ears in here.” Said the second cloaked man. “How do you explain the clouds and rain that never end?” “The taxes that keep going up?” said the first man. “I don’t know, but those are dangerous accusations!” said the second man. You are trying to hear more but there is a rowdy group of drunks in between you and the two men in the corner. You could leave it alone or try to get closer, on a second thought, you could go over and ask the two men what all of the fuss is about.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Mic only at this point but may have video later on.

What I provide

This game is virtual.

Gameplay details

We will adventure for a minimum of three hours per session with the game lasting five weeks. We will encounter a range of monsters with one very powerful at the end. There will be a few puzzles to complete this campaign and will require a small amount of exploration. The theme of the campaign will drive the story.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

All characters will start at level 10 and need to be created prior to the game start. Stat rolls will happen in game.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Open to all

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