The Legend of the Twin Dragons

The Legend of the Twin Dragons

Pokemon Tabletop United on Foundry VTT, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This story is an ancient tale of old: "A long time ago on a secluded island of the Hoenn region known as Alto Mare, there lived an old man and woman. One day, they found two wounded children on the seaside. With the old couple's careful nursing, the children got better quickly. Suddenly, an evil monster appeared and attacked the city. The island was instantly swallowed up by the monster's dark aura. But then before the couple's very eyes, the children transformed into the mirage Pokémon Latios and Latias. The two of them called their friends from the sky who brought the power to drive away the evil darkness. That power came from a jewel, appearing out of thin air as they gathered in the skies. Peace returned to the island once more, statues of the two Pokemon were raised to go alongside the tale of their heroes. After that, Latios and Latias often visited the island, where the jewel was said to be kept hidden away and protected, but never to be seen again. The island was never attacked again by the evil monsters." Until now that is... As a darkness not so much seen as is felt envelops the island. You and your local friends, residents of the island, begin to notice that something is amiss in the coastal city of Alto Mare's island. The townsfolk are more on edge, easily aggravated, certain wild Pokemon have started leaving the island and the general atmosphere of the once cheerful city feels heavier. The mirage Pokemon have not been seen in a few generations since that fateful event and have faded to being nothing more than a tale of legend to remain present mainly in the rich history of the island. You can choose to do something about it and attempt to find a solution, or simply react and survive as events unfurl into chaos. You do know that something needs to be done, and since you feel as though no one else will step up, it is up to you and your friends. What will you choose to do?

DMs Guild Writer

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Be certain to have Discord installed, you can message me there to get a link to the Discord server and from there, the link to the browser-based Foundry VTT game will be provided before even starting session 0. I will only ask that you have a picture of your character as this will be used by you, for you to show yourself off to the rest of your party. Most of the content is anime styled, so an anime styled character image would be preferable but not mandatory.

What I provide

Access to the Rulebooks as PDF files. I will also have Maps, Tokens, Music (Ambiance and sounds), Visual Aids.

Gameplay details

During session 0 we will go over a few ground rules so everyone can have a good time and use that time to get to know one another as we create your characters so that I can also adjust some of the story to best fit your play styles or interests. We will also discuss the kind of content that may be visited in order to adjust according to our party's age range and comfort level. If at any time, a scene makes a player uncomfortable, please let me know. This could be via direct message over Discord, or even openly with the party. Always consider that if you're not comfortable, others might also be and simply chose not to open up, so they might be glad that you did. That being said, this is a Pokemon campaign, so I am fairly certain most scenes would be fine given the setting, but I prefer leaving the door open for you.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We will have a session 0 (no charge) with character creation and starter Pokemon selected (if the campaign goes the route where you select one, otherwise one may be appointed to you during session 1). I use session 0 to have an idea of what everyone will be going for. I may also make a 0.5 via text based RP to help you build your character's personality or even to provide information for me on your character as well as for me to set the scene on how you and your party members will have arrived where session 1 would begin.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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