The Forest Guardian

The Forest Guardian

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT, D&D Beyond, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The great forest is a bastion of life in the region. Within the forest, numerous beasts, fey creatures, and sentient individuals call it home. Outside it, many humanoid populations find solace and nourishment close to the tree-line. The forest supports them all but asks for respect and a measured disposition in return. For harsh punishment comes to those who harm the fauna without need, cause fires, or stain the soil with innocent blood. When the need arises, the will of the forest manifests physically as a towering ethereal deer. This being acts swiftly to help those in need and punish evil-hearted creatures or those who would harm the forest. The true nature and origin of the Forest Guardian remain unknown to this day. Many have theorized about it but little evidence is ever found after its appearances. Nor have people managed to summon the guardian with a means other than violence toward the forest. The druids in the area consider the guardian a protector force of the woods that was created by the collective consciousness of all creatures in the verdant region. They claim that as long as life endures, the guardian will remain a force of good to protect the region. The elves know more, but they don’t share the knowledge easily. Their observations and divination magic reveal that the Forest Guardian is an elder fey spirit. It must have moved into the Material Plane millennia ago, at the same time other fey creatures did; like the elves, pixies, satyrs, and centaurs, among others. The deer-shaped spirit is a being that draws energy from the life force of all creatures and plants in the region. Its physical manifestation is like a quick-tempered storm that strikes with great force but subsides after a short while. Once it accomplishes its goal, it dissipates for a charging period. For thousands of years, the Forest Guardian has protected the great forest from outside forces. Orcs, goblinoids, and other foul species have failed to settle in the forest to harvest its goods or cut its trees. Wood elves and the guardian have thwarted human and dwarven expansionist desires many times too. The great forest is a land of freedom where anyone can thrive as long as they respect the land and embrace the Forest Guardian as the ultimate protector and peacemaker. But now, the balance seems to be dwindling, and the inhabitants of the forest have asked you for assistance, as the guardian has disappeared and sinister forces try to take over the region.

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

For Voicechat, you will need a working Microphone and an account on discord. A PC capable of running foundry is also required. You do not need a foundry or D&D Beyond account, but it would be helpful.

What I provide

All rulebooks on D&D Beyond A working VTT Ambience and Background Music Help with character creation, premade characters if you want

Gameplay details

The setting is the sword coast. For the sake of the adventure, inherently evil races exist and are generally distrusted. A session 0 is offered, where we discuss your character concept, triggers, pronouns and anything else relevant to you as a player. There will be a 10 minute break after 2 hours, with the option for additional breaks on demand. After each session, I offer to stay in the chat so we can have an after-game discussion and evaluation.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Characters will be created during session 0, either on D&D Beyond or on Foundry, using the point buy system. The adventure starts at level 4, with a level up after the first part.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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