The Forge of Fury (Tales from the Yawning Portal)

The Forge of Fury (Tales from the Yawning Portal)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Owlbear Rodeo

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

I am running a few of the adventures in the Tales of the Yawning Portal, a collection of some of the best adventures in the long history of Dungeons and Dragons, updated to the 5th Edition of the game. ****** "Two centuries ago, the great dwarf smith Durgeddin the Black and his clan were driven from their home by a horde of fierce orcs and trolls. They plundered the dwarves’ ancestral halls and slew all they could catch. Fleeing his enemies, Durgeddin led the destitute remnants of his clan in search of a new home. After years of wandering, the dwarves discovered a great cavern system beneath the Stone Tooth: a rugged, forested hill crowned by a bare rocky crag. There Durgeddin and his followers founded the stronghold of Khundrukar. About a century ago, a member of Durgeddin’s clan was captured by a powerful orc tribe during a raid, and the orcs learned of their enemy’s hidden stronghold. The orc chieftains raised a great army and marched on Khundrukar. In a hard-fought siege lasting months, the orcs tunneled around the dwarven defenses. When they finally stormed the place, they put all within to the sword, then carried off wagonloads of booty. In the years since the great battle, various creatures have occupied the stronghold and used the place as a base for their raids. At other times, the caverns have lain empty except for the mindless and bloodthirsty monsters that haunt such places. Today legends of Durgeddin’s Vengeance (or the Smith’s War) and the extraordinary blades the dwarves forged in anger still surface from time to time in the lands near the Stone Tooth." ****** If you're looking for a game where teamwork, backstory, and character motivations are as important as surviving the next combat, then I invite you to join me! I seek to balance all of the pillars of roleplaying: Social Interaction, Exploration, and Combat. I am not a professional voice actor, but I have been playing and running D&D for 40 years and have been in a lot of community and competitive theater...

3 years on StartPlaying

89 games hosted

Highly rated for: Rule of Cool, Inclusive, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

Once the game starts, I can share the link to any maps that need to be displayed. It's a free online resource, a very low-complexity virtual table top that I'm just learning, too. Mic required, and Discord with the Avrae bot and D&D Beyond will be the core technologies of the game.

What I provide

Maps, all adventure content, music and sounds, and lots of fun!

Gameplay details

All of my games are PG-13, as far as I can tell. I don't tolerate crass, crude, or abusive behavior from players or characters.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Characters should be 3rd level. I have numerous pre-generated characters that you can choose from and tweak as far as personality, background, ideals, bonds, flaws...make the character your own! My pre-generated characters are available on D&D Beyond and will be made accessible once you join the game and request access to them. If you choose to create your own character on D&D Beyond, be sure to use the following guidelines: On the Home page, be sure that only the Homebrew content (No Playtest, Critical Role, Rick & Morty, etc. content, for example), digital dice rolling, Optional Class Features, Milestone XP, Manual HP, Feats and Multiclass Prerequisites, Use Encumbrance, and Public character privacy settings are active. On the Class page, activate the Optional Feature Manager. On the Abilities page, you can use the following array: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 There will be some starting magic items offered if you make your own character, as well as some starting wealth.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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