Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Campaign Overview: In the heart of the legendary Forgotten Realms, a shadowy mystery looms over the quaint town of Phandalin. A series of strange occurrences has shaken the once peaceful community, and rumors of a malevolent force lurking in the shadows have begun to spread. This is where your journey begins. The Story Unfolds: You and your fellow adventurers find yourselves drawn to Phandalin for various reasons, be it the promise of riches, the call of heroism, or a personal quest. As you arrive, you quickly discover that the town holds more secrets than it initially appears. Troubling events have been traced back to an enigmatic artifact known as the Shattered Obelisk, an object of untold power and ancient origin. Your Mission: Your mission is twofold: to safeguard Phandalin and its people from the growing threats that surround them and to unlock the mysteries of the Shattered Obelisk. As you delve deeper into the heart of the Forgotten Realms, you'll encounter a rich tapestry of characters, each with their own motives and secrets. Your choices and actions will shape the course of the story, leading to a variety of possible outcomes. Gameplay Highlights: Exploration: Explore the scenic landscapes of the Forgotten Realms, from serene forests to treacherous caverns. Combat: Engage in thrilling battles against a diverse array of foes, from goblins to powerful entities. Role-Playing: Interact with a cast of intriguing NPCs, forge alliances, and make impactful decisions. Mystery: Unravel the mysteries of the Shattered Obelisk through clues, puzzles, and cryptic prophecies. Character Development: Watch your character evolve, gaining experience, abilities, and a unique story. Your Fate Awaits: "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" is an epic D&D campaign where the fate of Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms rests in your hands. The choices you make, the bonds you form, and the challenges you overcome will determine the course of your adventure. Will you be the heroes who rise to the occasion and bring light to the darkness, or will you succumb to the shadows that threaten to consume the land? Prepare for a journey of magic, mystery, and heroism, as you embark on an unforgettable quest to uncover the truth behind the Shattered Obelisk and protect the world from a lurking evil. Are you ready to face the unknown and become a legend in the Forgotten Realms?

DMs Guild Writer
Voice Actor

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Voices, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

Having a working computer, headset/mic and of course having roll20 account/discord. You will also need providing you have internet at least a decent connection, as well as be ok as we still streamline our games over youtube.

What I provide

Players will get all my content and source books from roll20/homebrew books from Discord and of course one on one brainstorming help create the perfect backstory.

Gameplay details

I provide the dice, rule books, maps, dynamic lighting, music, and artwork for characters and various locations, all delivered to you through the magic of the virtual tabletop. I also have a Roll20 pro account that provides lots of extra options to help games run more smoothly. All you need to bring is a good attitude and be ready to have a great time:) Bonus, you can print hard copies of your character from Roll20. You have my blessing to use them (for your personal use) elsewhere.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

It shall begin once everyone is together and set a proper time frame that everyone can meet. It will likely be a week before the actual game. We will discuss all the rules and get to know one another over the 2-3 hours.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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