Numenera Monster Hunters - Intro to the Cypher System

Numenera Monster Hunters - Intro to the Cypher System

Cypher Systems, Numenera on Discord, Zoom, Google Hangouts

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Imagine a far-flung-future monster-hunter TV show that feels like ‘The Mandalorian’ meets ‘Breath of the Wild’. In Weird Monster of the Week, you and a group of courageous explorers will journey into the imaginative and colorful wildness of the Ninth World, in pursuit of enormous strange creatures. At times you will be tasked with hunting down these creatures -- at others, you might be attempting to harvest from them, negotiate with them, or aid them. And as the title promises, Monsters will change every week! Our game takes place in the Numenera setting, on Earth one billion years in the future. Here, science fiction and fantasy meld -- swords might be forged with the metals of an ancient starship and mages might gain their powers from controlling swarms of nanobots. In Numenera, Arthur C. Clarke's rule that 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' is in full force. (Art owned by Monte Cook games!)

3 years on StartPlaying

9 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need: - a camera, mic, and internet connection for the video call (most of course will be built into your laptop or PC!) - a discord account, Gmail account, or zoom account - at least one d20 (though you can also use digital dice!) - probably a notebook!

What I provide

I'll bring: - A weird and wonderful monster and the region associated with them - Original music composed for this story world - Dozens of unique characters with accents and voices - Any art or maps necessary - all the rules you’ll need!

Gameplay details

Imagine a ridiculously high-budget science fantasy show about hunting down weird and amazing monsters: that's our game. You'll find a new town or region in the beautiful Ninth World, you'll learn about a monster, and seek it out. Being a part of one session will be its own experience, but you will easily be able to carry over between sessions if you want! You'll notice that this isn't D&D! Numenera is a rules-lite d20-based system with one of the coolest settings in tabletop RPGs. At its core, Numenera is what all good RPGs are -- a collaborative storytelling conversation where players take the role of powerful and unique individuals, and the GM takes the form of an arbiter and worldbuilder. You'll start with the fiction -- describing what you would like to do and how you would like to explore this world -- and if necessary, the GM will indicate the kind of rolls required to attempt it. Jumping into the Numenera ruleset will be a seamless, easy transition taught through simple tutorialized moments. You can be a seasoned Numenera veteran or an utter noob, and you'll feel completely at home in this game. Each session will involve exploration, problem-solving, and combat -- the full loop of an adventure. Content will remain exclusively PG-13. Most language is allowed, with the general rule that no one will use language abusively, exploitatively, or to harm the marginalized. Sexuality will be kept offscreen.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Characters in Numenera Monster of the Week will be Tier 2 Numenera characters. If you want to go through the character creation process and bring your own, you are more than welcome! But I also want to make character creation as easy as possible for players. To do this, I've created a few simplified choices for players who want to leap in without too much prep. Over discord, we'll discuss a bit about your character, giving them a strong link to the story , a meaningful backstory, and a few abilities.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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