Magic and Might - Adventures in Dungeons & Dragons

Magic and Might - Adventures in Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The following are just some of the campaigns I love to run, and if these aren't enough for you, I have many more! Magic has been outlawed for a lifetime in the country of Noss Farii. Discovered wizards and witches are hunted down, monsters and creatures are put the sword, and anyone found worshipping other religions are exiled. Not all agree with the status quo; a rebellion is igniting across the land. Your party hopes to potentially join in on the action, whether it be for religious freedom, the right to study the arcane, or for other personal reasons. The Ironwood Company is a famed guild of heroes and adventurers, so of course you want to join! Whether it is for the wealth, the fame, or even a chance to do what you love most (killing things, helping people, "the family business"), the Ironwood Company is for you! In this campaign, you and your party join the esteemed adventurers company to head out on missions. These come in a wide variety, be it slaying monsters, saving captured people, or even recovering lost artifacts. Professor Flafnir, a wizard of the Wise King's Initiative, needs assistance from adventurers to locate a local ruin called the Shadowed Tower. He is experimenting with a new school of magic, and hopes to find relics there that might assist in his research. But quickly your party will themselves tapping in to a much, much larger web of mystery than they anticipated, and surrounding conflicts and threats of war begin to heat things up.

3 years on StartPlaying

38 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

Playing digitally, a microphone is required. I like to leave it up to the group on if we use webcams. I will tend to use a webcam as it allows me to better show expressions of characters, but I don't make this an expectation of players. Discord will be used as our main gathering-spot. Your character sheets can be digital or printed (up to you, the player). With dice rolling, I leave it up to the group whether we all roll digitally so we can all see the rolls, or if we allow people to roll how they prefer (real dice or digital). I am fully welcome to new players, so reading the rules ahead of time is not required. I have taught people from all ages (kids to older adults) how to play, so I am ready and able to teach anyone how to play.

What I provide

I frequently use photoshop to create battle maps, regional maps, and even country/world maps! Taking part in this campaign, I am totally cool with sharing these maps if you want to keep them for memories. In the past I have also recorded the audio for interested players, so you can always listen back to your adventures (with all player permission, of course). I am also familiar with video editing as well, so for extra cost I would be willing to edit the sound recordings to create more of a DnD-podcast experience. This would include intro and outro music, trimming of non-important conversations and more. If you are interested in this, price would be negotiated further. I also have some experience with painting in photoshop (although I will admit, I would consider myself a novice still). For an extra cost, I would be willing to give it my best attempt to create illustrations of your characters! If interested, I can give previous examples of my work.

Gameplay details

A typical session begins with a session recap from the last time! Then, we get into the action. The events of the session depend on what's going on in the story of course. One session you might be walking around town, shopping and picking up rumors. Other sessions you may be out exploring, traveling from one town to another, or even getting into fights with monsters, bandits, or who knows what else. Preparing the Campaign - With a pre-campaign survey and a Session 0, we can make characters and I can get a better feeling for the type of game you and the party are interested in. This campaign begins at level 1, and is meant to be a long-form campaign (meaning it can last many sessions, not a short story that is resolved in a single chapter or two). Roleplaying - I love to use voices to better express the characters, spend time playing out interactions, and really trying to play the characters as they would behave if they were real. I want my players to feel comfortable with their own expression of their characters, so if you prefer voices go ahead! If you prefer to just state your characters actions, that's fine too. There can be very serious moments, like confronting the local ruler about a conflict in a town, or they can be comical moments like convincing the toll-troll to let you pass. Exploration - The first day or two of travel, I like to play out a lot more of the smaller details. Acquiring food, water, shelter, the fun conversations and the traversal of obstacles. Keeping watch every night for threats, and taking a break for lunch. But if the journey is long (such as a week or two), I like to gloss over the smaller details and focus more on the interesting parts, like traveling merchants you may pass, large threats you may sneak around, or of course, combat! Combat - Speaking of combat, I generally run things by the book but I am definitely open to creativity. There are a few homebrew rules I have (such as increased fall damage), but most of them work in the favor of the players! Combat is one of the three pillars in my game, not the prime focus. When it comes to difficulty, my mantra is this: play smart and it will feel easy-peasy. Play it not-so-smart, and it will certainly feel challenging. Homebrew - A word on homebrew. I have some optional subclasses as a choice for players, as well as homebrew items, weapons and armor, spells, and more. Also, many monsters and NPC's are homebrew as well! I like to use the published books as a reference and jumping point. Safety - I want to make sure all my players feel safe and prioritized at the table. Things can sometimes get heated in the thick of the action and game, or sometimes certain topics that might offend or trigger others might be reached. As part of my pre-campaign anonymous survey, I like to identify what topics are 100% No-Go. I have a lot of previous experience and skill being a mediator, as I was a camp counselor and school teacher for many years.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I begin with a Pre-Campaign survey and some informal discussion about potential campaign setting. I have a couple I have ran myself before, and others I would love to run someday as well! Once we get some ideas for the campaign, I like to have a session 0. In this session I provide details about the setting, potential factions your players could be a part of, and what certain classes and backgrounds might look like within the setting. We as a group make characters, either rolling for stats or using point-buy/standard array, create and discover potential connections between characters, and come up with adventure hooks and starting setting. Players need only come with the willingness to work together to make interesting characters! Characters will start at level 1, and we would use primarily official published WOTC material. I am open to unearthed arcana and homebrew, but it is up to my discretion and discussion on if those need some tweaking. I also have some of my own homebrew that are options for players as well.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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