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Inuwynn, Trials of the Framed

Inuwynn, Trials of the Framed

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: None

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The continent of Inuwynn has had a long checkered past with extraplanar creatures, including the Fey lords they have always been closest too, and the demon lords of the abyss that invaded their lands over 1000 years ago during the War of Lies. For decades afterwards, the continent struggled as cities had to be rebuild, new farms planted and new supply lines made. Many died of starvation over these trying years, but eventually they were successful in reestablishing their hold on the continent. As now, 1000 years later, there is still much healing to be done. In the north the forces of Valcola remain currently, awaiting for an opportunity to strike against the heart of Inuwynn, as whispers tell of a new evil stirring in Fangdor Citadel. Stories tell of sand like creatures rising up from the Broken Dunes to attack travelers going to and from Stormstand, as tribes of Lizardfolk have begun forming in the Birmingstone Jungle to the south, performing foul rituals to their dark god. Enemies seem to be rising up all around them as the people of the capital Rosemere brace as they wait out the calm before the storm. In the prison city of Drolbekh, a new group of prisoners arrives, each of them accused and sentenced for crimes they did not commit. Given the ultimatum of death or life in Drolbekh, each of them have chosen the later, hoping for a chance for escape, or atonement. Those sentenced to Life in Drolbekh are given the option that if they are able to make it back to civilization, either by way of the dead forest or the sea, then their crimes will be forgiven. But escape is not as easy as one might think, as the forest is filled with horrors beyond imagining, and the sea is full of jagged rocks that make it impassable except on the calmest of days that only happen about once a month if lucky. The biggest questions they all have though, is who and why. Who framed each of them, for many of their stories have similarities, and why did they do it. Whatever the answers are, they will have to wait, for life in the Drol, is not an easy one. However, it seems life there wasn’t meant to last long as the city was approached by a Lady Selena Blackwood offering anyone who wished from the town sanctuary at Fangdor Citadel where she had taken up residence and taken control over the denizens of the region. Deciding to take her up on her offer, the party set out to offer her their services, and now as their first job they prepare to head to the city of Thalneas to retrieve one of her former allies, either willing or unwilling, to speak with her back at Fangdor…

2 years on StartPlaying

737 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Creativity, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

A Mic is required, but a webcam is preferred. You will need internet access as well to access foundry at a link I will provide when we start playing, as well as to access their character sheets on dndbeyond. Foundry does not require any download as it is web based. I welcome my players to use their own dice if they have them, or they can use the digital dice on dndbeyond or Foundry VTT if they would rather have the math all done for them.

What I provide

I will bring dice if everyone is local and willing to play in person. However if we are playing remote, personal dice are welcome, or you can use the digital dice in dndbeyond or Foundry VTT. I will provide in game handouts whether in person or digital. If we are playing in person, I will provide a Mini for each player they are welcome to keep when the campaign has ended, for digital games I will do my best to help players find a character art that fits their vision for their character. I also do voices for NPC's and use background music for better immersion.

Gameplay details

This game will has aspects of fantasy violence, including the possibility of character death. It is preferred for the players to be 18+ for some mature content involved with this campaign. We will have an individual session 0 where we will discuss any hard lines you might have as a player, and during that time we will also make sure your character and backstory is all set for the Session 1.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Characters will be created on dndbeyond attached to a campaign of mine so you can access all of my added content into the site. Characters can be created at your convenience prior to the first session, and if you would prefer we can set up a time to chat and finalize characters and backstories to be ready for the first session.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: None

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