In the Eye of a Hurricane: A Drop -in Eberron Campaign for DND 5e

In the Eye of a Hurricane: A Drop -in Eberron Campaign for DND 5e

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Fantasy Grounds, Zoom

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This is a drop in style campaign set in my personal favorite setting for Dnd 5e, Eberron. I will be setting up custom sessions within this campaign depending on the group's preferences for level, style, and themes. Eberron is a world where magic and technology developed in tandem, where fiends and monsters rise from the very earth itself, and where nearly every genre of storytelling can be explored. Want a classic dungeon adventure? The destroyed land of Cyre is nothing but a nation sized dungeon, filled with unexplored ruins and forgotten treasures. Looking for something more thrilling? A quick trip below ground will send you into The Realm Below, where creatures of madness and terror create the perfect atmosphere for a horror story. Interested in political intrigue? The massive city of Sharn provides dozens of factions and houses all vying for power, and none of them are above hiring mercenaries. Choose your style of play! I am open to any suggestions, though depending on the specific request I may need more or less time to set up the game. If you finish a game and believe your story isn't over, don't worry! I keep track of all players and their characters, and am perfectly happy to continue your group's story in the next adventure!

4 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

I use fantasy grounds unity for my games, to allow players to see and interact with the maps and encounters. players only need to download the free version. I also use zoom for communication, again, player's will only need the free version.

What I provide

Pro accounts to Fantasy Grounds unity and Zoom allow players to join at no additional software costs. I will be creating maps as necessary for sessions.

Gameplay details

Because I tailor each session to the desires of the player group, each session will be different. However, based on my DM style, players can be sure there will be plenty of role play involved in all sessions. Character level, themes, locations, and style of play will be determined before each session. Level of combat, puzzles, and game mechanics will depend on the style chosen. For instance, a game based on exploring the Mournland looking for treasure will often have more combat than a group on assignment for an espionage agency like the King's Dark Lanterns, but the second example may have more tactical encounters for experienced players. This is also a great campaign setting for unique group makeups! Always wanted to try an "all Bugbears" campaign? Want to see what happens when everyone plays Wild Magic Sorcerers? Maybe you'd like to test your skills using your broken warlock/barbarian build to fight a fiendish overlord! Anything goes, in Eberron.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Each session, the players and I will discuss what kind of adventure the players are looking for. We will discuss group makeup, and choose an appropriate level. Character level will often be between 5 and 15, though experienced players may also wish to request epic level games. Players will be expected to create their characters up to that level before the session, but they are also encouraged to work with the Dm to create backstories for their characters, especially if they plan to make them recurring characters. Any class and race available in the Player's Handbook and Eberron: Rising from the Last War are fair game, and I will also allow races from Volo's Guide. Mordenkainen's muddies the water a bit, but if you can make a convincing argument as to why (for example) a Githyanki has suddenly appeared in Eberron, I'll allow it. Subclasses from supplemental books like Xanathar's are also permitted.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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