Friday's Friends - A hub based campaign

Friday's Friends - A hub based campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to Friday's Friends, a new group of men and women based in the city of Vassia located on the Rose Coast of Jubachu (homebrewed world) In this brand new campaign I'll be running a Acquisitions Incorporated style hub campaign where adventurer's are free to jump in and out as they please, but enjoy their character being a permanent part of the world and the lore. You'll be able to carve out your own piece of legacy in the world of Jubachu. This on-going campaign will allow for players to join in whenever they have time without feeling the pressure of having to be in for each game. Players will be able to run for government positions, buy up land and businesses, strike deals with factions, or simply just strike out on the missions presented to them by the Friday's Friends owner, Dude Friday, a sharp nosed and brilliant strategist turned entrepreneurs. From clearing out local kobold holds to reconnaissance in the mountains for illegal shipments, each session will give players who join in the opportunity and freedom to enjoy more of a sandbox campaign while still have a guidance session to session. Features: Buy and own businesses Battle all sorts of ridiculous creatures and baddies in and around Vassia Run for political positions Join as much as you can, but never worry if you can't make it to a session, your guy will still be there in town.


2 years on StartPlaying

30 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, World Builder

Additional Details

How to prepare

Make sure you have a good quiet place for 3-4 hours of gameplay with minimal interruption. Good internet with solid connection. I enjoy players with camera, but not required.

What I provide

Foundary subscription, core books, zoom link.

Gameplay details

In this campaign I am looking for players that enjoy crafting backstories to go with their characters! I really enjoy being able to weave in stories for players. There will be lots of RP to go on in and around town giving players the chance to run and own shops. Most sessions will also revolve around some sort of "adventure!" Whether that is infiltrating a goblin base to retrieve information or taking out a band of pirates, there will also be plenty of combat. Beginners are more than welcome, but please inform me before we start so I am aware. Things that I don't have in game: Sex scenes - fade to black Rape scenes - They're could references to it, or NPC's that have experienced it.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will be level 3. Official races/classes Standard Array 15/14/13/12/10/8 For Stats No Flying Characters Please send your character over after created! Looking for non min-maxing, but if you have something you think is on the edge, please reach out! I too enjoy a ridiculously power character, but not having any PCs like that make it much easier to balance battles. Also, I have created two custom races for my world - the Gorilla and Orangutan Primatians from Brun Brua. If you're interested in playing one, reach out and I can share. I also appreciate any feedback on balancing!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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